【摘 要】目的:本研究将啼哭运动训练作为脑瘫患儿言语训练的基础,通过啼哭训练增强患儿的肺活量,从而改善患儿语言清晰度。方法:选择来我院进行语音康复训练的4至5岁脑瘫患者共60人,30人采用传统的语音康复训练方法; 30人采用以啼哭运动为基础的语音康复训练方法。治疗周期均为3个月。比较两组患儿肺活量及语音清晰度改善情况。结果:①实验组与对照组肺活量体重指数比较,P<0.05,差别有统计学意义。②两组语音清晰度比较,P<0.05,差别有统计学意义。结论:采用以啼哭运动为基础的言语康复训练的患者的肺活量体重指数明显提高,使63.3%患儿语音清晰度到达50%-70%以上,高于传统的语音治疗效果。
Abstract:Objective:To investigate the effects of Crying Training on Improving vital capacity and speech intelligibility of Children With Cerebral Palsy. Methods:30 children of 4 to 5 year old patients with cerebral palsy were selected as test group with Crying training and Speech training. And 30 children of 4to 5 year old patients with cerebral palsy were selected as Control group with Speech training. After 3 months ......
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Abstract:Objective:To investigate the effects of Crying Training on Improving vital capacity and speech intelligibility of Children With Cerebral Palsy. Methods:30 children of 4 to 5 year old patients with cerebral palsy were selected as test group with Crying training and Speech training. And 30 children of 4to 5 year old patients with cerebral palsy were selected as Control group with Speech training. After 3 months ......
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