【摘 要】目的 加强认识中孕引产时子宫颈、后穹窿裂伤及处理方法。方法 对我院及统景中心医院的5例中孕引产时发生子宫颈、后穹窿破裂伤、瘘的妇女进行分析。结果 其发生率为2.335/万,引产后立即修补失败率100%,以后可穿过后穹窿、子宫颈行安环、人流术。结论 中孕引产时子宫颈、后穹窿裂伤很容易被忽略,引产后应常规进行软产道检查,慎用米索前列腺醇片。
Abstract:Objective to strengthen the understanding of induced labor of middle pregnancy uterine neck,posterior fornix laceration and processing method. Methods in our hospital,and Tongjing Center Hospital in 5 cases of pregnancy with induction of labor,uterine cervical posterior fornixrupture ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 4230 字符。
Abstract:Objective to strengthen the understanding of induced labor of middle pregnancy uterine neck,posterior fornix laceration and processing method. Methods in our hospital,and Tongjing Center Hospital in 5 cases of pregnancy with induction of labor,uterine cervical posterior fornixrupture ......
您现在查看是摘要页,全文长 4230 字符。