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http://www.100md.com 2015年7月15日 《中外女性健康研究》 201514
     【摘 要】目的:评价闭合性骨盆骨折合并失血性休克患者的临床急救与护理措施。方法:以我院收治的80例闭合性骨盆骨折合并失血性休克患者为研究对象,所有患者均给予恰当的急救与护理,观察其预后效果及患者的护理满意度。结果:80例患者均在纠正休克的同时顺利接受手术,3例患者因多脏器破裂,抢救无效死亡,救治成功率为96.3%;从患者护理满意度看,非常满意52例,占65.0%;基本满意25例,占31.25%;一般3例,占3.75%,未见不满意病例,护理总满意率为96.25%。结论:对闭合性骨盆骨折合并失血性休克患者早期诊断,并给予及时的救护措施,可显著提高抢救成功率、改善患者预后。


    [Abstract]Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of clinical emergency treatment and nursing for closed pelvic fracture patients in hemorrhagic shock. Methods: 80 closed pelvis fracture patients with hemorrhagic shock in our hospital were selected as the research objects. All patients were given emergency treatment and nursing. The prognoses were observed and patient satisfaction was assessed. Results: 80 patients underwent surgery during the course of correcting the shock. Three patients died due to multiple organ rupture. The treatment success rate was 96.3%; Patient satisfaction assessment shows 52 (65.0%) were very satisfied (65.0%) ......
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