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http://www.100md.com 2015年8月1日 《中外女性健康研究》 201515
     【摘 要】目的:运用现代医药科学方法,探究葛根的组成成分及在现代医药领域中发挥的作用,使享有“亚洲人参”美称的葛根更好地为我们所利用。方法:通过新剂型的研究。结果:减少乃至避免不良反应的发生。结论:为我们提供更方便快捷的服务,更好地造福于民。


    Pharmacological effects and research progress of puerarin

    Wang shirong

    Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Hospital, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010017

    [Abstract]This paper aims to analyze the composition of kudzu root by using modern medical techniques and discuss its role in modern medicine to facilitate better use of the so called "Asian ginseng". The development of new dosage forms is to reduce or avoid adverse reactions and provide more convenient and efficient medicine treatment.

    [Keywords]Puerarin; pharmacological effect; new dosage form; research progress

    1 葛根对心血管系统的作用

    葛根中的总黄酮和葛根素等活性物质有着非常好的调节功效 ......
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