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[5] Tepper P,Randolph J,McConnell D,et al.Trajectory clustering of estradiol and FSH during the menopause transition among women in SWAN[J].JCEM,2012,(97):2.
[6] Sussman M,Teocio J,Best C,et al.Prevalence of menopausal symptoms among mid-life women: findings from electronic medical records[J].BMC Womwns Health,2015,13(15):58.
[7] Huang K-E,Xu L,Jaisamrarn U.The Asian Menopause Survey[J].Maturitas,2010,(65):276-283.
[8] Viviana M,Daniel C K,David C Z.Depressive symptoms in the transition to menopause: the roles of irritability,personality vulnerability,and self-regulation[J].Arch Womens Ment Health,2014,(17):279-289.
[9] 史櫻,金凤羽.800例女性更年期症状的发生情况调查[J].中国妇幼保健,2017,32(24):6217-6218.
[12]Gold E B.The timing of the age at which menopause occurs[J].Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am,2011,(38):425-440.
[13]Palacios S,Henderson V,Siseles N,et al.Age of menopause and impact of climacteric symptoms by geographical region[J].Climacteric,2010,13(05):419-428.
[14]Alquaiz J M , Siddiqui A R, Tayel S A,et al.Determinants of severity of menopausal symptoms among Saudi women in Riyadh city[J].Climacteric,2014,(17):71-78.
[16]Lenka L,Daniela S,Alexandra M,et al.The reproductive parameters, lifestyle and health factors in relation to physiological menopausal symptoms in Slovak women[J].Anthropological Review,2013,76(02):217-228.
[17]Moilanen J,Aalto M A,Hemminki E,et al.Prevalence of menopause symptoms and their association with lifestyle among Finnish middle-aged women[J].Maturitas,2010,(67):368-374.
[18]Lisa M M,Melissa A N,Anna A,et al.When, why and for whom there is a relationship between physical activity and menopause syptoms[J].Maturitas,2009:119-125., http://www.100md.com(徐娜 邓广杰 李春玉)
[4] Huang K.Menopause perspectives and treatment of Asian women[J].Semin Reprod Med,2010,(28):396-403.
[5] Tepper P,Randolph J,McConnell D,et al.Trajectory clustering of estradiol and FSH during the menopause transition among women in SWAN[J].JCEM,2012,(97):2.
[6] Sussman M,Teocio J,Best C,et al.Prevalence of menopausal symptoms among mid-life women: findings from electronic medical records[J].BMC Womwns Health,2015,13(15):58.
[7] Huang K-E,Xu L,Jaisamrarn U.The Asian Menopause Survey[J].Maturitas,2010,(65):276-283.
[8] Viviana M,Daniel C K,David C Z.Depressive symptoms in the transition to menopause: the roles of irritability,personality vulnerability,and self-regulation[J].Arch Womens Ment Health,2014,(17):279-289.
[9] 史櫻,金凤羽.800例女性更年期症状的发生情况调查[J].中国妇幼保健,2017,32(24):6217-6218.
[12]Gold E B.The timing of the age at which menopause occurs[J].Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am,2011,(38):425-440.
[13]Palacios S,Henderson V,Siseles N,et al.Age of menopause and impact of climacteric symptoms by geographical region[J].Climacteric,2010,13(05):419-428.
[14]Alquaiz J M , Siddiqui A R, Tayel S A,et al.Determinants of severity of menopausal symptoms among Saudi women in Riyadh city[J].Climacteric,2014,(17):71-78.
[16]Lenka L,Daniela S,Alexandra M,et al.The reproductive parameters, lifestyle and health factors in relation to physiological menopausal symptoms in Slovak women[J].Anthropological Review,2013,76(02):217-228.
[17]Moilanen J,Aalto M A,Hemminki E,et al.Prevalence of menopause symptoms and their association with lifestyle among Finnish middle-aged women[J].Maturitas,2010,(67):368-374.
[18]Lisa M M,Melissa A N,Anna A,et al.When, why and for whom there is a relationship between physical activity and menopause syptoms[J].Maturitas,2009:119-125., http://www.100md.com(徐娜 邓广杰 李春玉)