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Effects of Yulangsan polysaccharides on BDNF pathway in the dentate gy(7)
http://www.100md.com 2018年1月22日 《健康周刊》 20183
Effects of Yulangsan polysaccharides on BDNF pathway in the dentategyrus of the hippocampus of mice with chronically stressed
     Fig. 4. Effect of YLSPA on sucrose preference of mice . Values given are the mean±SEM (n =10). ▲P<0.05, ▲▲p<0.01 as compared with the NC group;*p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01 compared with the MC group.

    3.3 preferences for sucrose

    Fig. 4 shows the effect of YLSPA treatment on the percentage of

    sucrose consumption in CUMS -exposed mice. Before CUMS treatment was given ......
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