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http://www.100md.com 2018年3月26日 《健康周刊》 201812
     【摘 要】在综合减灾框架下,建设现代化灾害医疗体系,使受灾群众获得及时有效的医疗救援,从而大幅减少因灾死亡率和致残率,明显降低灾害对心理健康的冲击影响,促进人与自然和谐共处。


    【Abstract】Under the framework of comprehensive disaster reduction, we will build a modernized medical system for disasters so that the affected people can receive timely and effective medical relief, thereby greatly reducing the death rate and disability rate caused by disasters, significantly reducing the impact of disasters on mental health,To promote harmony between human and nature.

    【Keywords】comprehensive disaster reduction; Modernization; Disaster medical

    灾害是指对人类和人类赖以生存的环境造成破坏性影响的事物 ......
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