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[5]MediciD, NawshadA. Type I collagen promotes epithelial-mesenchyma l transition through ILK-dependent activation of NF-kappaB and LEF-1. MatrixBiol 2010,29(3):161-165.
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基金项目:该项新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金(2016D01A020), 百拇医药(朱敏 来依宁 高静)
[4]Hay ED, Zuk A. Transformation between epithelium and mesenchyme: normal, pathological, and experimentally induced. Am J Kidney Dis 1995, 26:678–690.
[5]MediciD, NawshadA. Type I collagen promotes epithelial-mesenchyma l transition through ILK-dependent activation of NF-kappaB and LEF-1. MatrixBiol 2010,29(3):161-165.
[6]Lavrin IO, McLean W, Seegmiller RE, Olsen BR, Hay ED. The mechanism of palatal clefting in the Col1a1 mutant mouse. Arch Oral Biol 2001, 46:865–869.
[7]Shintani Y, Hollingsworth MA, Wheelock MJ, Johnson KR. Collagen I promotes metastasis in pancreatic cancer by activating c-jun nh(2)-terminal kinase 1 and up-regulating n-cadherin expression. Cancer Res 2006, 66:11745–11753.
基金项目:该项新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金(2016D01A020), 百拇医药(朱敏 来依宁 高静)