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[9]Boaz Frenkel, Navot Givol, Yitzhak Shoshani. Coronectomy of theMandibular Third Molar: A Retrospective Study of 185 Procedures andthe Decision to Repeat the Coronectomy in Cases of Failure[J]. Journal ofOral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 201 5(73)4:587-594.
[10]Leung Y.Y, Cheung K.Y. Root migration pattern after thirdmolar coronectomy: a long-term analysis[J]. International Journal of Oraland Maxillofacial Surgery, 2018(47)6: 802-808.
[11]陳运明,谢宏新.下颌智齿拔除术中预防下牙槽神经损伤的方法探讨[J].临床口腔医学杂志,2013,29(1):31-32., 百拇医药(岳巍 武峻峰 孟凡策)
[6]Dolanmaz D, Yildirim G, Isik K, et al. A preferable technique forprotecting the inferior alveolar nerve: coronectomy[J]. J Oral Maxil Surg,2009,67(6):1234-1238.
[7]Leung Y.Y, Cheung L.K. Long-term morbidities of coronectomyon lower third molar[J]. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol,2016,121:5-11.
[8]Dalle Carbonare M, Zavattini, Duncanm M, et al. Injury to theinferioralveolar andlingualnervesin successfulandfailedcoronectomies: systematic
review[J].British Journal of Oral andMaxillofacial Surgery, 2017(55)9: 892-898.
[9]Boaz Frenkel, Navot Givol, Yitzhak Shoshani. Coronectomy of theMandibular Third Molar: A Retrospective Study of 185 Procedures andthe Decision to Repeat the Coronectomy in Cases of Failure[J]. Journal ofOral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 201 5(73)4:587-594.
[10]Leung Y.Y, Cheung K.Y. Root migration pattern after thirdmolar coronectomy: a long-term analysis[J]. International Journal of Oraland Maxillofacial Surgery, 2018(47)6: 802-808.
[11]陳运明,谢宏新.下颌智齿拔除术中预防下牙槽神经损伤的方法探讨[J].临床口腔医学杂志,2013,29(1):31-32., 百拇医药(岳巍 武峻峰 孟凡策)