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Economics that has to offer in the area of Public Health(2)
http://www.100md.com 2018年1月1日 《健康前沿》 20181

    1. CHENG Guang-de,Health Bureau of Gaoyou City,Jiangsu Province,Jiangsu Gaoyou 225600,China,Harmonious development of health and economy,2004.12,Health Economy Research,1-2.

    2. Ray Robinson,Professor of health policy,Institute for Health Policy Studies,University of Southampton,Southampton SO9 5NH,Economic Evaluation and Health Care,What does it mean,1993,BMJ 1993;307:670-3,2-4.

    3. Ray Robinson,Professor of health policy,Institute for Health Policy Studies,University of Southampton,Southampton SO9 5NH,Economic Evaluation and Health Care,Costs and cost-minimisation analysis,1993,BMJ 1993;307:726-8,1-3.

    4. Ray Robinson,Professor of health policy,Institute for Health Policy Studies,University of Southampton,Southampton SO9 5NH,Economic Evaluation and Health Care,Cost-benefit analysis,1993,BMJ 1993;307:924-6,1-3.

    5. Ray Robinson,Professor of health policy,Institute for Health Policy Studies,University of Southampton,Southampton SO9 5NH,Economic Evaluation and Health Care,Cost-effectiveness analysis,1993,BMJ 1993;307:859-62,1-3.

    6. Ray Robinson,Professor of health policy,Institute for Health Policy Studies,University of Southampton,Southampton SO9 5NH,Economic Evaluation and Health Care,Cost-effectiveness analysis,1993,BMJ 1993;307:793-5,1-3.

    7. Public Health Economics,Available from:

    http://www.rti.org/page.cfm/Public_Health_Economics [Accessed 21st February 2009]., http://www.100md.com(Emma Yun-zhi HUANG)
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