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http://www.100md.com 2019年1月15日 《健康前沿》 20192
     摘要:目的:健康教育组与对比组实施不同护理方法的不同治疗效果。方法:将我院自2017 年 9月—2018 年9 月住院的突发性耳聋患者88例,根據数字表分健康教育组和对照组。健康教育组采取优质护理干预方法;对照组采取常规的护理干预方法。比较两组突发性耳聋患者的治疗效果;对突发性耳聋患者的治疗认知、康复知识认知、护理满意、疾病恢复评分得出结果。结果:健康教育组的突发性耳聋患者,治疗效果更好于对照组,P < 0.05。结论:对突发性耳聋患者健康教育组的实施,可提高患者对疾病知识与治疗的认知,有利于改善病情,提升患者对护理服务的满意度。

    Objective:Different therapeutic efforts of different nursing methods in health education group and control group.Methods:88 patients that were sudden deafness are divided into health group and control group from digital meter method in our hospital from September 2017 to September 2018.Quality Nursing intervention in Health Education Group;The control group was treated with routine nursing innervation. Comparison of the therapeutic effects of two groups of patients with sudden deafness.Get the score of therapeutic cognition ......
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