☉ 10607751:Hydration-Driven Transport of Deformable Lipid Vesicles through Fine Pores and the Skin Barrier
☉ 10607752:Intramembrane Polarity by Electron Spin Echo Spectroscopy of Labeled Lipids
☉ 10607753:Ising Model of Cardiac Thin Filament Activation with Nearest-Neighbor Cooperative Interactions
☉ 10607754:Laser-Induced Heating in Optical Traps
☉ 10607755:Limiting Frequency of the Cochlear Amplifier Based on Electromotility of Outer Hair Cells
☉ 10607756:Location of Ryanodine and Dihydropyridine Receptors in Frog Myocardium
☉ 10607757:Long-Range Signal Transmission in Autocrine Relays
☉ 10607758:Material Studies of Lipid Vesicles in the L and L-Gel Coexistence Regimes
☉ 10607759:MC-PHS: A Monte Carlo Implementation of the Primary Hydration Shell for Protein Folding and Design
☉ 10607760:Mechanical Forces Impeding Exocytotic Surfactant Release Revealed by Optical Tweezers
☉ 10607761:Methionine Changes in Bacteriorhodopsin Detected by FTIR and Cell-Free Selenomethionine Substitution
☉ 10607762:MIC Channels Are Inhibited by Internal Divalent Cations but Not ATP
☉ 10607763:Molecular-Level Thermodynamic Switch Controls Chemical Equilibrium in Sequence-Specific Hydrophobic Interaction of 35 Dipeptide Pairs
☉ 10607764:Multiplexed-Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Method for Protein Folding Simulation
☉ 10607765:Excitation Energy Transfer Dynamics and Excited-State Structure in Chlorosomes of Chlorobium phaeobacteroides
☉ 10607766:Ca2+ Current and Charge Movements in Skeletal Myotubes Promoted by the ß-Subunit of the Dihydropyridine Receptor in the Absence of Ryanodine Rec
☉ 10607767:Oxygen Consumption Rates and Oxygen Concentration in Molt-4 Cells and Their mtDNA Depleted (0) Mutants
☉ 10607768:Permeant Cations and Blockers Modulate pH Gating of ROMK Channels
☉ 10607769:Phot-LOV1: Photocycle of a Blue-Light Receptor Domain from the Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
☉ 10607770:Prediction of Secondary Ionization of the Phosphate Group in Phosphotyrosine Peptides
☉ 10607771:Properties of Palmitoyl Phosphatidylcholine, Sphingomyelin, and Dihydrosphingomyelin Bilayer Membranes as Reported by Different Fluorescent Reporter M
☉ 10607772:Protein Interactions and Membrane Geometry
☉ 10607773:Quantifying Double-Strand Breaks and Clustered Damages in DNA by Single-Molecule Laser Fluorescence Sizing
☉ 10607774:Real-Time Imaging of Nuclear Permeation by EGFP in Single Intact Cells
☉ 10607775:Regulation of Protein Mobility via Thermal Membrane Undulations
☉ 10607776:Relating Single-Molecule Measurements to Thermodynamics
☉ 10607777:Role of Side-Chain Conformational Entropy in Transmembrane Helix Dimerization of Glycophorin A
☉ 10607778:Self-Regulation Phenomena Applied to Bacterial Reaction Centers2.Nonequilibrium Adiabatic Potential: Dark and Light Conformations Revisited
☉ 10607779:Single Channel Analysis of the Regulation of GIRK1/GIRK4 Channels by Protein Phosphorylation
☉ 10607780:State and Spectral Properties of Chloride Oscillations in Pollen
☉ 10607781:Stepwise Transition of the Tetra-Manganese Complex of Photosystem II to a Binuclear Mn2(µ-O)2 Complex in Response to a Temperature Jump: A Time-
☉ 10607782:Structural Proton Diffusion along Lipid Bilayers
☉ 10607783:Structure and Composition of the Fusion Pore
☉ 10607784:Systematic Improvement of Protein Crystals by Determining the Supersolubility Curves of Phase Diagrams
☉ 10607785:The Calcium-Saturated cTnI/cTnC Complex: Structure of the Inhibitory Region of cTnI
☉ 10607786:The Link between Ion Permeation and Inactivation Gating of Kv4 Potassium Channels
☉ 10607787:The Refined Crystal Structure of an Eel Pout Type III Antifreeze Protein RD1 at 0.62-Å Resolution Reveals Structural Microheterogeneity of Prote
☉ 10607788:The Role of a Microscopic Colloidally Stabilized Phase in Solubilizing Oligoamine-Condensed DNA Complexes
☉ 10607789:The Structure of DNA within Cationic Lipid/DNA Complexes
☉ 10607790:Theoretical Study of the Structure and Dynamic Fluctuations of Dioxolane-Linked Gramicidin Channels
☉ 10607791:Time-Resolved FTIR Studies of Sensory Rhodopsin II (NpSRII) from Natronobacterium pharaonis: Implications for Proton Transport and Receptor Activation
☉ 10607792:Translocation of Rodlike Polymers through Membrane Channels
☉ 10607793:Regulation of the Fast Vacuolar Channel by Cytosolic and Vacuolar Potassium
☉ 10607794:Voltage-Activated Calcium Signals in Myotubes Loaded with High Concentrations of EGTA
☉ 10607795:单侧唇裂鼻畸形的临床研究
☉ 10607796:1例全身广泛性腐败坏死性蜂窝组织炎的护理
☉ 10607797:4例涎腺淋巴上皮病及恶变分析
☉ 10607798:60例颌面部骨折的临床分析
☉ 10607799:79例外伤引起颌骨骨折的原因及研究
☉ 10607800:83例下颌骨骨折的临床治疗分析

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