☉ 10582801:从2例错抽的血型标本谈普查血型的必要性
☉ 10582802:A case of frontal network amnesia
☉ 10582803:Application of time–frequency analysis to somatosensory evoked potential for intraoperative spinal cord monitoring
☉ 10582804:应用US-200型电脑化尿液分析仪测定胸腹水蛋白
☉ 10582805:Assessment of health needs in multidisciplinary care
☉ 10582806:Intrathecal Gadolinium-enhanced MR Cisternography in the Evaluation of Clinically Suspected Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea in Humans: Early Experience
☉ 10582807:Autonomic nervous system testing may not distinguish multiple system atrophy from Parkinson’s disease
☉ 10582808:Lung Volume Reduction Surgery for Emphysema: Correlation of CT and V/Q Imaging with Physiologic Mechanisms of Improvement in Lung Function
☉ 10582809:Behavioural abnormalities contribute to functional decline in Huntington’s disease
☉ 10582810:Minimal Duration of Oral Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibition to Prevent Constrictive Arterial Remodeling after Balloon Dilation in the Pig
☉ 10582811:B超引导下穿刺肝囊肿无水酒精硬化治疗
☉ 10582812:Blood–brain barrier permeability in type II diabetes
☉ 10582813:MR Imaging in Acute Stroke: Diffusion-weighted and Perfusion Imaging Parameters for Predicting Infarct Size
☉ 10582814:Brain acetylcholinesterase activity in mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimer’s disease
☉ 10582815:肺部炎性假瘤治疗体会
☉ 10582816:Patient Acceptance of CT Colonography and Conventional Colonoscopy: Prospective Comparative Study in Patients with or Suspected of Having Colorectal D
☉ 10582817:Brain white matter lesions detected by magnetic resosnance imaging are associated with balance and gait speed
☉ 10582818:益气生肌液外敷治疗糖尿病足36例观察
☉ 10582819:Performance of a Flat-Panel Detector in Detecting Artificial Bone Lesions: Comparison with Conventional Screen-Film and Storage-Phosphor Radiography
☉ 10582820:Cerebral metastasis after primary renal cell carcinoma
☉ 10582821:腹部横切口腹膜外剖宫产术80例临床观察
☉ 10582822:Coexistent cerebral metastasis and cavernous malformation
☉ 10582823:Pheochromocytomas: Detection with 18F DOPA Whole-Body PET nitial Results
☉ 10582824:Connecting impairment disability and handicap in immune mediated polyneuropathies
☉ 10582825:Constipation in neurological diseases
☉ 10582826:Postprocessing Techniques for Time-resolved Contrast-enhanced MR Angiography
☉ 10582827:Debrisoquine hydroxylase gene polymorphism (CYP2D6*4) in dementia with Lewy bodies
☉ 10582828:Drug treatments for eye movement disorders
☉ 10582829:腹水浓缩超滤回输治疗肝硬化难治性腹水36例
☉ 10582830:Pulmonary Diffusing Capacity: Assessment with Oxygen-enhanced Lung MR Imaging reliminary Findings
☉ 10582831:Encephalomyeloradiculopathy associated with wasp sting
☉ 10582832:改良法治疗环状混合痔134例
☉ 10582833:fMRI studies of associative encoding in young and elderly controls and mild Alzheimer’s disease
☉ 10582834:Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling: Comparison of Multisection Baseline and Functional MR Imaging Perfusion Signal at 1.5 and 3.0 T: Initial Results in Six
☉ 10582835:Focal hand dystonia after cervical whiplash injury
☉ 10582836:肝硬化所致心律失常70例临床分析
☉ 10582837:Greenfield’s neuropathology, 7th edition
☉ 10582838:Hans Berger (1873–1941), Richard Caton (1842–1926) and electroencephalography
☉ 10582839:肩难产20例临床分析
☉ 10582840:Hypocretin (orexin) deficiency in narcolepsy and primary hypersomnia
☉ 10582841:Incidence (1988–97) and prevalence (1997) of multiple sclerosis in Västerbotten County in northern Sweden
☉ 10582842:Quantification of Distention in CT Colonography: Development and Validation of Three Computer Algorithms
☉ 10582843:Increased blood–brain barrier permeability in type II diabetes demonstrated by gadolinium magnetic resonance imaging
☉ 10582844:酒精性心肌病21例临床分析
☉ 10582845:Interferon and interleukin 4 producing T cells in peripheral blood of multiple sclerosis patients undergoing immunomodulatory treatment
☉ 10582846:Internet resources for psychiatry and neuropsychiatry
☉ 10582847:口腔健康宣教对全口义齿满意度的影响
☉ 10582848:Late clinical and magnetic resonance imaging follow up of Nipah virus infection
☉ 10582849:Limbic encephalitis presenting with topographical disorientation and amnesia
☉ 10582850:Measuring carotid stenosis

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