☉ 10586451:尿素-SDS-PAGE快速测定多肽的相对分子质量
☉ 10586452:The bloody fate of endothelial stem cells
☉ 10586453:细胞因子对T细胞生长激素基因表达的影响
☉ 10586454:穴法派的形成与发展
☉ 10586455:组织型纤溶酶原激活物基因的DNA改组
☉ 10586456:精子载体介导的人凝血因子Ⅷ基因在转基因小鼠体内的表达
☉ 10586457:The ch-TOGXMAP protein is essential for spindle pole organization in human somatic cells
☉ 10586458:细胞与分子免疫学杂志编辑委员会名单
☉ 10586459:穴位注射八穴治疗痛经46例
☉ 10586460:1 6-二磷酸果糖联合复方丹参治疗慢性活动型肝炎疗效观察
☉ 10586461:牛肾上腺毛细血管内皮细胞的长期培养及用于测定内皮细胞抑素活性
☉ 10586462:肾移植患者尿液MCP-1检测的意义
☉ 10586463:Dynamic regulation of the Ras pathway via proteolysis of the NF1 tumor suppressor
☉ 10586464:穴位注射与推拿治疗重症肩周炎60例
☉ 10586465:Identification of genes that protect the C. elegans genome against mutations by genome-wide RNAi
☉ 10586466:新型全细胞瘤苗对荷肝癌小鼠的主动免疫治疗
☉ 10586467:血宁方治疗子宫内膜增殖症30例
☉ 10586468:疑难病证治3例
☉ 10586469:人整合素分子α4亚基片段的克隆和表达
☉ 10586470:Impact of p loss on reversal and recurrence of conditional Wnt-induced tumorigenesis
☉ 10586471:乙肝特异性免疫核糖核酸免疫学活性的观察
☉ 10586472:鼠抗人内皮抑素单克隆抗体的制备与鉴定
☉ 10586473:异经用药初探
☉ 10586474:p190RhoGAP can act to inhibit PDGF-induced gliomas in mice: a putative tumor suppressor encoded on human Chromosome
☉ 10586475:酪氨酸磷酸酶抑制剂正矾酸钠对Raji淋巴瘤细胞增殖与凋亡
☉ 10586476:Pre-mRNA splicing and human disease
☉ 10586477:易黄汤加减治疗带下病
☉ 10586478:人肿瘤坏死因子α组合突变体生物学特性的研究
☉ 10586479:束缚应激对S180荷瘤小鼠Th1Th2型细胞因子及肿瘤生长的影响
☉ 10586480:Protein ISGylation modulates the JAK-STAT signaling pathway
☉ 10586481:用蛋白Ⅷ在噬菌体表面展示抗体分子效果的观察
☉ 10586482:Redox regulation of mammalian heat shock factor 1 is essential for Hsp gene activation and protection from stress
☉ 10586483:益肾汤治疗更年期综合症52例
☉ 10586484:siRNAs can function as miRNAs
☉ 10586485:神经营养素与免疫细胞的关系
☉ 10586486:用噬菌体随机肽库筛选刺激细胞生长的活性小肽
☉ 10586487:双价痢疾菌苗滴鼻免疫小鼠后不同部位淋巴细胞表型的变化
☉ 10586488:针刺结合中针灸治疗月经过多症64例
☉ 10586489:Structure and function of the PWI motif: a novel nucleic acid-binding domain that facilitates pre-mRNA processing
☉ 10586490:慢性特发性中性粒细胞减少症患者血清G-CSF水平测定及其意义
☉ 10586491:胎鼠肺细胞初代培养和上皮细胞的纯化
☉ 10586492:SWI/SNF-dependent chromatin remodeling of RNR requires TAFIIs and the general transcription machinery
☉ 10586493:中西医结合治疗不孕症体会
☉ 10586494:回盲部急性憩室炎误诊为急性阑尾炎1例
☉ 10586495:The transcriptional activity of human Chromosome
☉ 10586496:脊髓型颈椎病16例临床分析
☉ 10586497:中西医结合治疗更年期综合征60例
☉ 10586498:兔抗人ERA抗血清的制备
☉ 10586499:顺序特异性引物聚合酶链反应技术对HLA-DR DNA的分型
☉ 10586500:肿瘤细胞中两种TNFR的表达及新型rhTNF对肿瘤细胞生长的影响

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