☉ 11201351:Specialised electromyography and nerve conduction
☉ 11201352:The basics of electromyography
☉ 11201353:Driver landmark and traffic sign identification in
☉ 11201354:How to get the most out of nerve conduction studie
☉ 11201355:Bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation improves
☉ 11201356:Does bilateral stimulation of the subthalamic nucl
☉ 11201357:Functional improvement after subthalamic stimulati
☉ 11201358:The national service framework for long term condi
☉ 11201359:Neurodevelopmental treatment after stroke: a compa
☉ 11201360:HIV leucoencephalopathy and TNF expression in neur
☉ 11201361:Disturbances of grip force behaviour in focal hand
☉ 11201362:Progression and prognosis in pure autonomic failur
☉ 11201363:Lateral transmuscular or combined interlaminar/par
☉ 11201364:Objective B wave analysis in 55 patients with non-
☉ 11201365:Pallidal stimulation relieves myoclonus–dystonia s
☉ 11201366:Traumatic brain injury and grey matter concentrati
☉ 11201367:Surgical management of tuberculum sellae meningiom
☉ 11201368:Treatment of stiff person syndrome with rituximab
☉ 11201369:Initial DWI and ADC imaging may predict outcome in
☉ 11201370:Tourette’s syndrome and deep brain stimulation
☉ 11201371:Family support for stroke: one year follow up of a
☉ 11201372:Utility of an ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging
☉ 11201373:Cholinesterase inhibitors for treatment of dementi
☉ 11201374:Fatal toxic leukoencephalopathy: clinical, radiolo
☉ 11201375:Cerebellar abnormalities on proton MR spectroscopy
☉ 11201376:Restless legs syndrome and low brain iron levels i
☉ 11201377:SPTLC1 and RAB7 mutation analysis in dominantly in
☉ 11201378:Dominant LMNA mutations can cause combined muscula
☉ 11201379:Bell’s palsy with ipsilateral numbness
☉ 11201380:Gluten sensitivity and neuromyelitis optica: two c
☉ 11201381:Surgery for movement disorders: new applications?
☉ 11201382:Real time polymerase chain reaction: a new powerfu
☉ 11201383:Long term results of unilateral posteroventral pal
☉ 11201384:Orthostatic intolerance and syncope associated wit
☉ 11201385:Bilateral subdural haematomata and lumbar pseudome
☉ 11201386:Tympanic measurement of body temperature in stroke
☉ 11201387:Transient ischaemic attack with trigeminal autonom
☉ 11201388:An Iranian family with congenital myasthenic syndr
☉ 11201389:Qualitative neuropsychological performance charact
☉ 11201390:Molecular neurology of prion disease
☉ 11201391:Ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging protocols in
☉ 11201392:Donepezil for dementia in Parkinson’s disease: a r
☉ 11201393:Is there a relation between APOE expression and br
☉ 11201394:Headache as the only neurological sign of cerebral
☉ 11201395:Cerebral venous thrombosis – headache is enough
☉ 11201396:The role of dominant striatum in language: a study
☉ 11201397:The features of myasthenia gravis with autoantibod
☉ 11201398:Incidence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in sout
☉ 11201399:Brain energy metabolism and intracranial pressure
☉ 11201400:Intractable chronic inflammatory demyelinating pol

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