☉ 11295401:Neurosteroids and Female Reproduction: Estrogen Increases 3-HSD mRNA and Activity in Rat Hypothalamus
☉ 11295402:Enhanced Sexual Behaviors and Androgen Receptor Immunoreactivity in the Male Progesterone Receptor Knockout Mouse
☉ 11295403:Tetrahydrogestrinone Is an Androgenic Steroid that Stimulates Androgen Receptor-Mediated, Myogenic Differentiation in C3H10T1/2 Multipotent
☉ 11295404:Stimulation of Resorption in Cultured Mouse Calvarial Bones by Thiazolidinediones
☉ 11295405:Attenuation of Preoptic Area Glutamate Release Correlates with Reduced Luteinizing Hormone Secretion in Middle-Aged Female Rats
☉ 11295406:Regulation of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Secretion by Cannabinoids
☉ 11295407:A New Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator with Potent Uterine Antagonist Activity, Agonist Activity in Bone, and Minimal Ovarian Stimulati
☉ 11295408:Adenosine 5'-Monophosphate-Activated Protein Kinase Regulates Progesterone Secretion in Rat Granulosa Cells
☉ 11295409:Cyclic Adenosine 3',5'-Monophosphate-Dependent Activation of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in Cumulus Cells Is Essential for Germinal Ves
☉ 11295410:Topical Thyroid Hormone Accelerates Wound Healing in Mice
☉ 11295411:Expression of Insulin-Like Factor 3 Protein in the Rat Testis during Fetal and Postnatal Development and in Relation to Cryptorchidism Induc
☉ 11295412:Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-2 Binding to Extracellular Matrix Plays a Critical Role in Neuroblastoma Cell Proliferation, Migr
☉ 11295413:Adiponectin Gene Is Expressed in Multiple Tissues in the Chicken: Food Deprivation Influences Adiponectin Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Express
☉ 11295414:Neonatal Leptin Treatment Reverses Developmental Programming
☉ 11295415:Cholesterol and Steroid Synthesizing Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum of Adrenocortical Cells Contains High Levels of Proteins Associated with t
☉ 11295416:AKT Activation Promotes Metastasis in a Mouse Model of Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma
☉ 11295417:Chronic Elevation of Parathyroid Hormone in Mice Reduces Expression of Sclerostin by Osteocytes: A Novel Mechanism for Hormonal Control of O
☉ 11295418:Direct Agonist/Antagonist Functions of Dehydroepiandrosterone
☉ 11295419:Double Leptin and Melanocortin-4 Receptor Gene Mutations Have an Additive Effect on Fat Mass and Are Associated with Reduced Effects of Lept
☉ 11295420:GLUT8 Subcellular Localization and Absence of Translocation to the Plasma Membrane in PC12 Cells and Hippocampal Neurons
☉ 11295421:Death Ligand Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand Inhibits Experimental Autoimmune Thyroiditis
☉ 11295422:A Mouse Model of Albright Hereditary Osteodystrophy Generated by Targeted Disruption of Exon 1 of the Gnas Gene
☉ 11295423:Transgenic Angiopoietin-Like (Angptl)4 Overexpression and Targeted Disruption of Angptl4 and Angptl3: Regulation of Triglyceride Metabolism
☉ 11295424:Permeation of Growth Hormone across the Blood-Brain Barrier
☉ 11295425:Reduction in Adiposity Affects the Extent of Afferent Projections to Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone and Somatostatin Neurons and the Degre
☉ 11295426:Electrophysiological Characterization of Pancreatic Islet Cells in the Mouse Insulin Promoter-Green Fluorescent Protein Mouse
☉ 11295427:Betacellulin-4, a Novel Differentiation Factor for Pancreatic -Cells, Ameliorates Glucose Intolerance in Streptozotocin-Treated Rats
☉ 11295428:Janus Kinase 2 Enhances the Stability of the Mature Growth Hormone Receptor
☉ 11295429:Somatostatin Increases Voltage-Gated K+ Currents in GH3 Cells through Activation of Multiple Somatostatin Receptors
☉ 11295430:Glucose Stimulates Glucagon Release in Single Rat -Cells by Mechanisms that Mirror the Stimulus-Secretion Coupling in -Cells
☉ 11295431:Estrogen and Exercise May Enhance -Cell Function and Mass via Insulin Receptor Substrate 2 Induction in Ovariectomized Diabetic Rats
☉ 11295432:A Positive Feedback Loop that Regulates Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression and Prostaglandin F2 Synthesis via the F-Series-Prostanoid Receptor and
☉ 11295433:Dominant Role of Mitochondria in Calcium Homeostasis of Single Rat Pituitary Corticotropes
☉ 11295434:Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide Hexarelin Reduces Neonatal Brain Injury and Alters Akt/Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Phosphorylation
☉ 11295435:Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Induces Cell Proliferation through Up-Regulation of Cyclin D1 Expression via Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase/Akt/N
☉ 11295436:Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Receptor Signaling in Tamoxifen-Resistant Breast Cancer: A Supporting Role to the Epidermal Growth Factor Recep
☉ 11295437:Insulin at Physiological Concentrations Selectively Activates Insulin But Not Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) or Insulin/IGF-I Hybrid R
☉ 11295438:Proteasomal Proteolysis in the Adrenergic Induction of Arylalkylamine-N-Acetyltransferase in Rat Pinealocytes
☉ 11295439:Estrogens Up-Regulate the Fas/FasL Apoptotic Pathway in Lactotropes
☉ 11295440:Cells of the Osteoclast Lineage as Mediators of the Anabolic Actions of Parathyroid Hormone in Bone
☉ 11295441:The Intermediate Lactotroph: A Morphologically Distinct, Ghrelin-Responsive Pituitary Cell in the Dwarf (dw/dw) Rat
☉ 11295442:Protein Kinase A-Dependent Synergism between GATA Factors and the Nuclear Receptor, Liver Receptor Homolog-1, Regulates Human Aromatase (CYP
☉ 11295443:Perinatal Glucocorticoid Treatment Produces Molecular, Functional, and Morphological Changes in the Anterior Pituitary Gland of the Adult Ma
☉ 11295444:Extracellular Calcium and Parathyroid Hormone-Related Peptide Signaling Modulate the Pace of Growth Plate Chondrocyte Differentiation
☉ 11295445:The Antiarrhythmic Peptide Analog Rotigaptide (ZP123) Stimulates Gap Junction Intercellular Communication in Human Osteoblasts and Prevents
☉ 11295446:Analysis of the Biochemical Mechanisms for the Endocrine Actions of Fibroblast Growth Factor-23
☉ 11295447:C-Type Natriuretic Peptide Down-Regulates Expression of Its Cognate Receptor in Rat Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells
☉ 11295448:ObRa and ObRe Are Differentially Expressed in Adipose Tissue in Aged Food-Restricted Rats: Effects on Circulating Soluble Leptin Receptor Le
☉ 11295449:Changes in Expression of Hypothalamic Releasing Hormone Receptors in Individual Rat Anterior Pituitary Cells during Maturation, Puberty and
☉ 11295450:Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1-Mediated Activation of Stanniocalcin-1 in Human Cancer Cells

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