☉ 11292901:高原地区急性超容血液稀释的临床运用
☉ 11292902:丁咯地尔对颈内动脉系统TIA患者的血流动力学及血液流变学的影响
☉ 11292903:X-连锁无丙种球蛋白血症的研究进展
☉ 11292904:心肌损伤生化标志物的研究进展
☉ 11292905:2002~2005年我院临床常见细菌分离及耐药性分析
☉ 11292906:重症脑卒中的体温变化的初步探讨
☉ 11292907:淋巴增生性疾病实验诊断与应用
☉ 11292908:线粒体膜电压依赖阴离子通道
☉ 11292909:老年人胸腔积液28例临床分析
☉ 11292910:维思通合并丙戊酸钠治疗老年躁狂症的对照研究
☉ 11292911:低电流针刺对轻度高血压患者的压力反射敏感性分析
☉ 11292912:民政医院男性精神分裂症患者服药依从性调查
☉ 11292913:Baseline IOP predicts selective laser trabeculoplasty success at 1 year post-treatment: results from a randomised clinical trial
☉ 11292914:A case control study of age related macular degeneration and use of statins
☉ 11292915:The relation between C reactive protein and age related macular degeneration in the Cardiovascular Health Study
☉ 11292916:Quality of life and visual function in patients with intermediate uveitis
☉ 11292917:Vitrectomy and gas tamponade without internal limiting membrane peeling for myopic foveoschisis
☉ 11292918:Vitrectomy and gas tamponade without internal limiting membrane peeling for myopic foveoschisis
☉ 11292919:Vitrectomy with short term postoperative tamponade using perfluorocarbon liquid for giant retinal tears
☉ 11292920:Impact of simulated light scatter on scanning laser Doppler flowmetry
☉ 11292921:Retinal tolerance to dyes
☉ 11292922:Optical coherence tomography guided retreatment of photodynamic therapy
☉ 11292923:Influence of format on in vitro penetration of antibody fragments through porcine cornea
☉ 11292924:Periocular keratoacanthoma: can we always rely on the clinical diagnosis?
☉ 11292925:Monovision slows juvenile myopia progression unilaterally
☉ 11292926:Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the eyelid: a report of two cases
☉ 11292927:Treatment of biopsy proved conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia with topical interferon alfa-2b
☉ 11292928:Effects of celecoxib in human retinoblastoma cell lines and in a transgenic murine model of retinoblastoma
☉ 11292929:"C-scan" ultrasound imaging of optic nerve extension of retinoblastoma
☉ 11292930:Nylon paper: an alternative to cellulose acetate paper for use in conjunctival impression cytology
☉ 11292931:Henoch-Schonlein purpura with keratitis and granulomatous anterior uveitis
☉ 11292932:Sub-Tenon’s block versus topical anaesthesia for cataract surgery
☉ 11292933:Non-cicatricial upper eyelid ectropion
☉ 11292934:Normal tension glaucoma
☉ 11292935:Cataract surgery and IOP
☉ 11292936:Patient satisfaction with anaesthesia comparing sub-Tenon’s block and topical anaesthesia
☉ 11292937:Asymptomatic uveitis follows JIA into adulthood
☉ 11292938:From the library
☉ 11292939:Vision restoration therapy
☉ 11292940:阑尾黏液囊肿2例报告
☉ 11292941:ROP claims sight needlessly
☉ 11292942:表现为消化道出血的胰腺癌1例报告
☉ 11292943:绝经30年子宫积脓穿孔1例
☉ 11292944:隐源性肝脓肿1例报告
☉ 11292945:妇女阴道分泌物816例化验结果分析
☉ 11292946:AFP早期诊断原发性肝细胞肝癌
☉ 11292947:乙肝病毒核酸定量测定的临床价值
☉ 11292948:高血压病与治疗
☉ 11292949:会阴Ⅲ°裂伤修补手术15例分析
☉ 11292950:浅谈分娩误区——剖宫产
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