☉ 11307251:Simultaneous comparison of multiple treatments: combining direct and indirect evidence
☉ 11307252:Disappointing biotech
☉ 11307253:Hyperamylasaemia: not the usual suspects
☉ 11307254:The patient's journey: rheumatoid arthritis
☉ 11307255:Effect of the addition of a "help" question to two screening questions on specificity for diagnosis of depression in general practice: diagn
☉ 11307256:Innate left handedness and risk of breast cancer: case-cohort study
☉ 11307257:Recurrence of pre-eclampsia across generations: exploring fetal and maternal genetic components in a population based cohort
☉ 11307258:Angiotensin receptor blockers and risk of myocardial infarction: systematic review
☉ 11307259:Treatment of paediatric malaria during a period of drug transition to artemether-lumefantrine in Zambia: cross sectional study
☉ 11307260:Cost effectiveness of complementary treatments in the United Kingdom: systematic review
☉ 11307261:Can risk score models help in reducing serious outcome events in patients with stable angina
☉ 11307262:Risk score for predicting death, myocardial infarction, and stroke in patients with stable angina, based on a large randomised trial cohort
☉ 11307263:At the frontier of biomedical publication: Chicago 2005
☉ 11307264:How well does the evidence on pioglitazone back up researchers' claims for a reduction in macrovascular events
☉ 11307265:Medicines regulation and the pharmaceutical industry
☉ 11307266:Osmotic demyelination syndrome
☉ 11307267:The role of opioids in cancer pain
☉ 11307268:How do elderly patients decide where to go for major surgery Telephone interview survey
☉ 11307269:Randomised controlled trial of prevention of falls in people aged 75 with severe visual impairment: the VIP trial
☉ 11307270:Cluster randomised trial of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in infants in area of high, seasonal transmission in Ghana
☉ 11307271:Epirubicin for breast cancer may cause considerable venous sclerosis
☉ 11307272:"Breakthrough" drugs and growth in expenditure on prescription drugs in Canada
☉ 11307273:Tacrolimus versus ciclosporin as primary immunosuppression for kidney transplant recipients: meta-analysis and meta-regression of randomised
☉ 11307274:Does dietary folate intake modify effect of alcohol consumption on breast cancer risk Prospective cohort study
☉ 11307275:Postcards from the EDge project: randomised controlled trial of an intervention using postcards to reduce repetition of hospital treated del
☉ 11307276:Achieving food security in vulnerable populations
☉ 11307277:Patients' readiness to start highly active antiretroviral treatment for HIV
☉ 11307278:Gaining a foothold: tackling poverty, gender inequality, and HIV in Africa
☉ 11307279:System and market failures: the unavailability of magnesium sulphate for the treatment of eclampsia and pre-eclampsia in Mozambique and Zimb
☉ 11307280:Removing user fees for primary care in Africa: the need for careful action
☉ 11307281:Effect of sublingual misoprostol on severe postpartum haemorrhage in a primary health centre in Guinea-Bissau: randomised double blind clini
☉ 11307282:Health systems financing: putting together the "back office"
☉ 11307283:Clostridium difficile associated diarrhoea: diagnosis and treatment
☉ 11307284:Targets and self monitoring in hypertension: randomised controlled trial and cost effectiveness analysis
☉ 11307285:Ten year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial of care in a stroke rehabilitation unit
☉ 11307286:Could a randomised trial answer the controversy relating to elective caesarean section National survey of consultant obstetricians and heads
☉ 11307287:The partial smoking ban in licensed establishments and health inequalities in England: modelling study
☉ 11307288:Dutch experience of monitoring euthanasia
☉ 11307289:Changes in BMA policy on assisted dying
☉ 11307290:Legalised euthanasia will violate the rights of vulnerable patients
☉ 11307291:Time for change
☉ 11307292:Status epilepticus: an evidence based guide
☉ 11307293:Handbook of Olfaction and Gustation
☉ 11307294:Textbook of Diabetes and Pregnancy
☉ 11307295:Obesity: Mechanisms and Clinical Management
☉ 11307296:Hazards of an Alternative Medicine Device in a Patient with a Pacemaker
☉ 11307297:Anterior Cervical Osteophytes
☉ 11307298:Case 39-2003: A Woman with Gross Hematuria
☉ 11307299:A Trial of Antiparasitic Treatment for Cerebral Cysticercosis
☉ 11307300:Effect of a multifaceted intervention on number of antimicrobial prescriptions for suspected urinary tract infections in residents of nursin

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