☉ 11327801:Childhood Femur Fractures, Associated Injuries, and Sociodemographic Risk Factors: A Population-Based Study
☉ 11327802:The Pediatric Hybrid Observation Unit: An Analysis of 6477 Consecutive Patient Encounters
☉ 11327803:CHIP Shots: Association Between the State Children's Health Insurance Programs and Immunization Rates
☉ 11327804:Characteristics of Infants With Severe Retinopathy of Prematurity in Countries With Low, Moderate, and High Levels of Development: Implicati
☉ 11327805:An Evaluation of the Motion Picture Association of America’s Treatment of Violence in PG-, PG-13–, and R-Rated Films
☉ 11327806:Phototherapy-Mediated Syndrome of Inappropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone in an In Utero Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor–Expo
☉ 11327807:Executive Summary of the Workshop on the Border of Viability
☉ 11327808:Death of a Child in the Emergency Department
☉ 11327809:Building Healthier Communities for Children and Families: Applying Asset-Based Community Development to Community Pediatrics
☉ 11327810:Communities as Teachers: Learning to Deliver Culturally Effective Care in Pediatrics
☉ 11327811:Commentary: Educational Planning to Achieve the Goals of Community Pediatrics
☉ 11327812:Evidence-Based Community Pediatrics: Building a Bridge From Bedside to Neighborhood
☉ 11327813:Community-Level Child Health: A Decade of Progress
☉ 11327814:Community Pediatrics: The Rochester Story
☉ 11327815:Successes and Missed Opportunities in Protecting Our Children's Health: Critical Junctures in the History of Children's Health Policy in the
☉ 11327816:The Expanding Role of the Pediatrician in Improving Child Health in the 21st Century
☉ 11327817:Use of Performance-Enhancing Substances
☉ 11327818:Guiding Principles for Pediatric Hospitalist Programs
☉ 11327819:roviding Care For Immigrant, Homeless, and Migrant Children
☉ 11327820:The Pediatrician’s Role in Community Pediatrics
☉ 11327821:A Review of Evidence Supporting the American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendation for Prescribing Cephalosporin Antibiotics for Penicillin-A
☉ 11327822:A Comparison of 2 Influenza Vaccine Schedules in 6- to 23-Month-Old Children
☉ 11327823:A Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Trial of Lucinactant Versus Poractant Alfa Among Very Premature Infants at High Risk for Respiratory D
☉ 11327824:A Multicenter, Randomized, Masked, Comparison Trial of Lucinactant, Colfosceril Palmitate, and Beractant for the Prevention of Respiratory D
☉ 11327825:Child Health Care Clinicians' Use of Medications to Help Parents Quit Smoking: A National Parent Survey
☉ 11327826:Early Detection of Imperforate Hymen Prevents Morbidity From Delays in Diagnosis
☉ 11327827:The Role of Endogenous Opioids in Mediating Pain Reduction by Orally Administered Glucose Among Newborns
☉ 11327828:Improved Survival Rates With Increased Neurodevelopmental Disability for Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants in the 1990s
☉ 11327829:Teen Reach: Outcomes From a Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Tobacco Reduction Program for Teens Seen in Primary Medical Care
☉ 11327830:Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Pediatric Patients
☉ 11327831:Is Noncompliance Among Adolescent Renal Transplant Recipients Inevitable
☉ 11327832:Increasing the Screening and Counseling of Adolescents for Risky Health Behaviors: A Primary Care Intervention
☉ 11327833:Primary and Secondary Nocturnal Enuresis: Similarities in Presentation
☉ 11327834:Use of Volume Expansion During Delivery Room Resuscitation in Near-Term and Term Infants
☉ 11327835:Risk Factors for and Outcomes of Bloodstream Infection Caused by Extended-Spectrum -Lactamase–Producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella Spec
☉ 11327836:Heart Rate Characteristics and Laboratory Tests in Neonatal Sepsis
☉ 11327837:Neonatal Ventilation With Inhaled Nitric Oxide Versus Ventilatory Support Without Inhaled Nitric Oxide for Preterm Infants With Severe Respi
☉ 11327838:Effects of Race, Insurance Status, and Hospital Volume on Perforated Appendicitis in Children
☉ 11327839:Helping Parents Cope With the Trauma of Premature Birth: An Evaluation of a Trauma-Preventive Psychological Intervention
☉ 11327840:Estimated Impact of Competing Policy Recommendations for Age of First Dental Visit
☉ 11327841:Importance of Catch-up Vaccination: Experience From a Varicella Outbreak, Maine, 2002–2003
☉ 11327842:Adult Health and Social Outcomes of Children Who Have Been in Public Care: Population-Based Study
☉ 11327843:Yield of Diagnostic Testing in Infants Who Have Had an Apparent Life-Threatening Event
☉ 11327844:Treatment of Childhood Constipation by Primary Care Physicians: Efficacy and Predictors of Outcome
☉ 11327845:Variation in Inpatient Diagnostic Testing and Management of Bronchiolitis
☉ 11327846:Attributable Cost of Nosocomial Primary Bloodstream Infection in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Patients
☉ 11327847:Evaluation of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Young People Using a Web-Based Survey Technique
☉ 11327848:Illness Transmission in the Home: A Possible Role for Alcohol-Based Hand Gels
☉ 11327849:Oral Versus Vaginal Sex Among Adolescents: Perceptions, Attitudes, and Behavior
☉ 11327850:Lengths of Stay and Costs Associated With Children's Hospitals

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