☉ 11331301:An inversion involving the mouse Shh locus results in brachydactyly through dysregulation of Shh expression
☉ 11331302:以抽搐为首发症状的儿童急性肾小球肾炎2例
☉ 11331303:卡马西平致多形红斑型皮疹1例
☉ 11331304:Genetic and functional characterization of human pemphigus vulgaris monoclonal autoantibodies isolated by phage display
☉ 11331305:Synergy between a plasminogen cascade and MMP-9 in autoimmune disease
☉ 11331306:Induction of dermal-epidermal separation in mice by passive transfer of antibodies specific to type VII collagen
☉ 11331307:Deletion of IKK2 in hepatocytes does not sensitize these cells to TNF-induced apoptosis but protects from ischemia/reperfusion injury
☉ 11331308:颅内肿瘤误诊病毒性脑炎1例
☉ 11331309:Ikaros transcription factors: flying between stress and inflammation
☉ 11331310:In hypertension, the kidney is not always the heart of the matter
☉ 11331311:Altered regulation of IL-2 production in systemic lupus erythematosus: an evolving paradigm
☉ 11331312:The fickle finger of fate
☉ 11331313:蜂刺伤致全身性荨麻疹1例
☉ 11331314:MEF2A sequence variants and coronary artery disease: a change of heart?
☉ 11331315:To live or die: a critical decision for the lung
☉ 11331316:The pathophysiology of autoimmune blistering diseases
☉ 11331317:Melanoma genetics and the development of rational therapeutics
☉ 11331318:Immunopathogenesis and therapy of cutaneous T cell lymphoma
☉ 11331319:The several Cs of translational clinical research
☉ 11331320:Sex and the university system
☉ 11331321:Arterial and renal consequences of partial genetic deficiency in tissue kallikrein activity in humans
☉ 11331322:Genetic essential tremor in -aminobutyric acidA receptor 1 subunit knockout mice
☉ 11331323:Dual role of -defensin-1 in anti–HIV-1 innate immunity
☉ 11331324:In vivo measurements document the dynamic cellular kinetics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia B cells
☉ 11331325:IL-13 R130Q, a common variant associated with allergy and asthma, enhances effector mechanisms essential for human allergic inflammation
☉ 11331326:Rapid and strong human CD8+ T cell responses to vaccination with peptide, IFA, and CpG oligodeoxynucleotide 7909
☉ 11331327:Complementary roles of IRS-1 and IRS-2 in the hepatic regulation of metabolism
☉ 11331328:Fluid shear stress inhibits vascular inflammation by decreasing thioredoxin-interacting protein in endothelial cells
☉ 11331329:AIRE deficiency in thymus of 2 patients with Omenn syndrome
☉ 11331330:The role of herpesvirus entry mediator as a negative regulator of T cell–mediated responses
☉ 11331331:Leptin action in the forebrain regulates the hindbrain response to satiety signals
☉ 11331332:Toll-like receptor 9–induced type I IFN protects mice from experimental colitis
☉ 11331333:Key role of poly--dl-glutamic acid in immune evasion and virulence of Staphylococcus epidermidis
☉ 11331334:Rap1b is required for normal platelet function and hemostasis in mice
☉ 11331335:Spinal inflammatory hyperalgesia is mediated by prostaglandin E receptors of the EP2 subtype
☉ 11331336:Essential role of RSK2 in c-Fos–dependent osteosarcoma development
☉ 11331337:Neurotrophins promote revascularization by local recruitment of TrkB+ endothelial cells and systemic mobilization of hematopoietic progenito
☉ 11331338:Glycyrrhizic acid alters Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpesvirus latency, triggering p53-mediated apoptosis in transformed B lymphocytes
☉ 11331339:The DEAD-box RNA helicase Vad1 regulates multiple virulence-associated genes in Cryptococcus neoformans
☉ 11331340:Targeted deletion or pharmacological inhibition of MMP-2 prevents cardiac rupture after myocardial infarction in mice
☉ 11331341:The secreted glycoprotein lubricin protects cartilage surfaces and inhibits synovial cell overgrowth
☉ 11331342:Endocytic delivery of lipocalin-siderophore-iron complex rescues the kidney from ischemia-reperfusion injury
☉ 11331343:Pleiotropy of tissue-specific growth factors: from neurons to vessels via the bone marrow
☉ 11331344:Unlocking the DEAD-box: a key to cryptococcal virulence?
☉ 11331345:Licking latency with licorice
☉ 11331346:Vascular remodeling and the kallikrein-kinin system
☉ 11331347:Illuminating the role of type I IFNs in colitis
☉ 11331348:Genetic mouse models of essential tremor: are they essential?
☉ 11331349:Unchain my heart: the scientific foundations of cardiac repair
☉ 11331350:Death begets failure in the heart

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页面最后生成日期:2007-1-3 21:26:10