☉ 11333551:Combined Oral Contraceptives in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
☉ 11333552:Of rice and men: Bill Kelley's next generation
☉ 11333553:2005 Association of American Physicians Presidential Address. Academia-industry collaboration: A dynamic partnership on behalf of patients
☉ 11333554:Cathepsin L is essential for onset of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice
☉ 11333555:A Trial of Contraceptive Methods in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
☉ 11333556:Arsenic trioxide inhibits nuclear receptor function via SEK1/JNK-mediated RXR phosphorylation
☉ 11333557:Influenza — Interpandemic as Well as Pandemic Disease
☉ 11333558:Human 1 type IV collagen NC1 domain exhibits distinct antiangiogenic activity mediated by 1?1 integrin
☉ 11333559:TCR stimulation with modified anti-CD3 mAb expands CD8+ T cell population and induces CD8+CD25+ Tregs
☉ 11333560:Glimpses of Guantanamo — Medical Ethics and the War on Terror
☉ 11333561:Activating and inhibitory IgG Fc receptors on human DCs mediate opposing functions
☉ 11333562:Pathology of the Skin with Clinical Correlations
☉ 11333563:Dwarfism: Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Profound Short Stature
☉ 11333564:Smolin and Thoft's the Cornea: Scientific Foundations and Clinical Practice
☉ 11333565:Successful Pregnancy after Orthotopic Liver Transplantation in a Patient with HIV Infection
☉ 11333566:Secret Insulin-Injection Syndrome among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes
☉ 11333567:Renal-associated TLR2 mediates ischemia/reperfusion injury in the kidney
☉ 11333568:Case 28-2005: A Case of Systemic Necrotizing Vasculitis
☉ 11333569:Frequency of beryllium-specific, central memory CD4+ T cells in blood determines proliferative response
☉ 11333570:Dextrocardia with Situs Inversus
☉ 11333571:Apoptosis modulates protective immunity to the pathogenic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum
☉ 11333572:Perioperative Beta-Blocker Therapy and Mortality
☉ 11333573:Hepatic expression of scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) is a positive regulator of macrophage reverse cholesterol transport in vivo
☉ 11333574:Epithelial myosin light chain kinase–dependent barrier dysfunction mediates T cell activation–induced diarrhea in vivo
☉ 11333575:The potential role of amyloid ? in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration
☉ 11333576:Dengue in Travelers
☉ 11333577:A molecular chaperone for mitochondrial complex I assembly is mutated in a progressive encephalopathy
☉ 11333578:Fluid Solutions in Dengue Shock Syndrome
☉ 11333579:Apoa5 Q139X truncation predisposes to late-onset hyperchylomicronemia due to lipoprotein lipase impairment
☉ 11333580:Understanding Heme Transport
☉ 11333581:Staphylococcal lipoteichoic acid inhibits delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions via the platelet-activating factor receptor
☉ 11333582:Polyunsaturated fatty acids suppress glycolytic and lipogenic genes through the inhibition of ChREBP nuclear protein translocation
☉ 11333583:Febuxostat — Treatment for Hyperuricemia and Gout?
☉ 11333584:MMP13 mutation causes spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, Missouri type (SEMDMO)
☉ 11333585:The New Clostridium difficile — What Does It Mean?
☉ 11333586:An interstitial deletion-insertion involving chromosomes 2p25.3 and Xq27.1, near SOX3, causes X-linked recessive hypoparathyroidism
☉ 11333587:Reversal of experimental pulmonary hypertension by PDGF inhibition
☉ 11333588:A role for docosahexaenoic acid–derived neuroprotectin D1 in neural cell survival and Alzheimer disease
☉ 11333589:Case 37-2005 — A 35-Year-Old Man with Cardiac Arrest while Sleeping
☉ 11333590:Deforming Gout
☉ 11333591:Pseudomembranous Colitis Associated with Clostridium difficile
☉ 11333592:Renal-Cell Carcinoma
☉ 11333593:Infliximab for Induction and Maintenance Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis
☉ 11333594:Febuxostat Compared with Allopurinol in Patients with Hyperuricemia and Gout
☉ 11333595:A Predominantly Clonal Multi-Institutional Outbreak of Clostridium difficile–Associated Diarrhea with High Morbidity and Mortality
☉ 11333596:An Epidemic, Toxin Gene–Variant Strain of Clostridium difficile
☉ 11333597:Remembering Berton Roueché — Master of Medical Mysteries
☉ 11333598:The Medical Detectives
☉ 11333599:Robert Koch, the Nobel Prize, and the Ongoing Threat of Tuberculosis
☉ 11333600:Clinician-Discoverers — Marshall, Warren, and H. pylori

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