☉ 11355301:A 35 year old woman with diabetic nephropathy who wants a baby: case progression
☉ 11355302:Narcolepsy and excessive daytime sleepiness
☉ 11355303:Morbilliform rash
☉ 11355304:Malignancy and mortality in people with coeliac disease: population based cohort study
☉ 11355305:Teaching dogs new tricks
☉ 11355306:Olfactory detection of human bladder cancer by dogs: proof of principle study
☉ 11355307:Interventions for basal cell carcinoma of the skin: systematic review
☉ 11355308:Irish obstetricians worried by gap in insurance cover
☉ 11355309:Conservative Party proposes a public health commission
☉ 11355310:New body set up to monitor introduction of computer system into NHS
☉ 11355311:Canada's federal and provincial governments reach agreement over healthcare spending
☉ 11355312:Move to switch statins to non-prescription in US
☉ 11355313:Study suggests hepatitis B vaccine increases risk of multiple sclerosis
☉ 11355314:Health authorities named for failing to investigate charges for care of elderly
☉ 11355315:Patients informed of increased risk of vCJD contact
☉ 11355316:Patients informed of increased risk of vCJD contact
☉ 11355317:Dutch commemorate doctor shot by Nazis for helping injured soldiers
☉ 11355318:Study quantifies dangers of renal disease after heart attack
☉ 11355319:FDA panel urges "black box" warning for antidepressants
☉ 11355320:Negotiating research priorities
☉ 11355321:Automatic defibrillator approved for sale without prescription
☉ 11355322:Routine colonoscopies miss more than 10% of polyps
☉ 11355323:US government opens racketeering case against tobacco industry
☉ 11355324:GPs will be forced to offer patients private care
☉ 11355325:Rise in spending on NHS has not been matched by rise in activity
☉ 11355326:In brief
☉ 11355327:Framework for children aims to produce "cultural change"
☉ 11355328:Functional genomics and proteomics: application in neurosciences
☉ 11355329:Recommendations for CSF analysis in subarachnoid haemorrhage
☉ 11355330:Grey hair and grey matter
☉ 11355331:The MS symptom and impact diary (MSSID): psychometric evaluation of a new instrument to measure the day to day impact of multiple sclerosis
☉ 11355332:Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adulthood
☉ 11355333:Eating fats may not affect risk of stroke in men after all
☉ 11355334:Cerebral metastasis of renal carcinoma mimicking venous haemorrhagic infarction
☉ 11355335:Silas Weir Mitchell and the "rest cure"
☉ 11355336:Proceedings of the Association of British Neurologists Autumn Meeting, 1–3 October 2003
☉ 11355337:History of neurology in The Netherlands
☉ 11355338:Beyond conflict of interest: maybe wrong questions are being asked
☉ 11355339:New frontiers of MR-based techniques in multiple sclerosis
☉ 11355340:Intraoperative imaging in neurosurgery MRI, CT and ultrasound
☉ 11355341:What is intermediate care?
☉ 11355342:Assessment of aphasia
☉ 11355343:Classic cases in neuropsychology, Vol 2
☉ 11355344:The bereitschaftspotential movement-related cortical potentials
☉ 11355345:What is intermediate care?
☉ 11355346:Biological psychiatry, Vol 1 and 2
☉ 11355347:What is intermediate care?
☉ 11355348:Relationship between stridor and sleep apnoea syndrome: is it as simple as that?
☉ 11355349:The specificity of prescription patterns in secondary stroke prevention
☉ 11355350:Sharing workload in group practices

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