☉ 11355651:Balancing benefits and harms in health care
☉ 11355652:Balancing benefits and harms in health care
☉ 11355653:Balancing benefits and harms in health care
☉ 11355654:Balancing benefits and harms in health care
☉ 11355655:Development of an AIDS vaccine: perspective from the South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative
☉ 11355656:The legacy of Bristol: public disclosure of individual surgeons' results
☉ 11355657:Burns in the developing world and burn disasters
☉ 11355658:Email consultations in health care: 2—acceptability and safe application
☉ 11355659:Email consultations in health care: 1—scope and effectiveness
☉ 11355660:Using the NO TEARS tool for medication review
☉ 11355661:Effectiveness of a multiple intervention to reduce antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract symptoms in primary care: randomised control
☉ 11355662:Severe necrotising leucocytoclastic vasculitis in a patient taking bosentan
☉ 11355663:Fatal liver failure associated with pioglitazone
☉ 11355664:Effects of reduction in heroin supply on injecting drug use: analysis of data from needle and syringe programmes
☉ 11355665:National questionnaire survey on what influences doctors' decisions about admission to intensive care
☉ 11355666:The learning curve
☉ 11355667:Improving mortality of coronary surgery over first four years of independent practice: retrospective examination of prospectively collected
☉ 11355668:Canada's teenagers less likely to smoke now than in 1999
☉ 11355669:Study warns of danger of combining spironolactone and ACE inhibitors in heart patients
☉ 11355670:Darfur crisis intensifies
☉ 11355671:Australia amends its free trade deal with US to lessen effect on drug costs
☉ 11355672:Global Fund to give a $7m grant to Myanmar to combat tuberculosis
☉ 11355673:Quebec government wins settlement against tobacco giant
☉ 11355674:Pre-election insecurity in Afghanistan hampers health service delivery
☉ 11355675:Poor countries need to tackle the health brain drain
☉ 11355676:Indian patients go to court over cancer drug
☉ 11355677:Doctors call for more postmortems after murders at German hospital
☉ 11355678:Row brews over Italian abortion proposals
☉ 11355679:In brief
☉ 11355680:Chairman says he declared interest
☉ 11355681:Newcastle centre gains licence for therapeutic cloning
☉ 11355682:Nigeria apologises to neighbours for spread of polio
☉ 11355683:WHO pulls three more AIDS drugs from list
☉ 11355684:Clinical examination has important role
☉ 11355685:The Portman Group does not represent alcohol industry
☉ 11355686:Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry's code of practice needs to be clarified
☉ 11355687:All drugs can have serious side effects
☉ 11355688:Molluscum contagiosum is not always benign
☉ 11355689:Interfacing between primary and secondary care is needed
☉ 11355690:Internationally agreed strategy is needed on vaginal birth after caesarean
☉ 11355691:Stigma, shame, and blame experienced by patients with lung cancer
☉ 11355692:Stigma, shame, and blame experienced by patients with lung cancer
☉ 11355693:Helicobacter pylori and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
☉ 11355694:Helicobacter pylori and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
☉ 11355695:Early intervention for first episode psychosis
☉ 11355696:Early intervention for first episode psychosis
☉ 11355697:Early intervention for first episode psychosis
☉ 11355698:ethical pitfalls can be hard to avoid
☉ 11355699:Humanitarian medicine: up the garden path and down the slippery slope
☉ 11355700:Can the millennium development goals be attained?

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