☉ 11357251:Parry romberg syndrome
☉ 11357252:Estimation of rewarming time in transported extramural hypothermic neonates
☉ 11357253:Foreign body - What is unusual
☉ 11357254:Neonatal diabetes mellitus with recurrent hepatitis
☉ 11357255:Lung abscess caused by Salmonella
☉ 11357256:Hemophagocytic syndrome associated with visceral leishmaniasis
☉ 11357257:Achalasia cardia presenting with Marasmic Kwashiorkor
☉ 11357258:Ventilatory management of severe tracheal stenosis
☉ 11357259:Noma neonatorum
☉ 11357260:Breastfeeding a baby with mother on Bromocripine
☉ 11357261:Myotonia congenita - A successful response to carbamazepine
☉ 11357262:Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) as second malignancy after treatment of Hodgkin's disease
☉ 11357263:Colony stimulating factors as adjunctive therapy in neonatal sepsis
☉ 11357264:Antibiotics for treatment of resistant gram-positive coccal infections
☉ 11357265:New antiviral agents
☉ 11357266:Editorial-Bugs, drugs, and us: The dance goes on
☉ 11357267:Penicillin and gentamicin therapy vs amoxicillin/clavulanate in severe hypoxemic pneumonia
☉ 11357268:Adolescents with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder/learning disability and their proneness to accidents
☉ 11357269:Grandmothers' influence on child care
☉ 11357270:Urorectal septum malformation sequence: Ultrasound correlation with fetal examination
☉ 11357271:Combating poster fatigue
☉ 11357272:Intracranial Hodgkin's disease
☉ 11357273:Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions
☉ 11357274:Incomplete duodenal obstruction in a newborn
☉ 11357275:Surgical reconstruction for absence of sternum and pericardium in a newborn
☉ 11357276:Infected mature teratoma of lower posterior mediastinum
☉ 11357277:Bilateral ocular scrofuloderma with orbital tuberculosis
☉ 11357278:Naxos disease
☉ 11357279:Precocious pseudopuberty with testicular enlargement
☉ 11357280:Yunis varon syndrome
☉ 11357281:Harlequin ichthyosis
☉ 11357282:The judicious use of antibiotics - An investment towards optimized health care
☉ 11357283:New antiretroviral drugs in clinical use
☉ 11357284:Montelukast in pediatric asthma management
☉ 11357285:Retroperitoneal teratomas in children
☉ 11357286:Ultrasound guided hydrostatic reduction in the management of intussusception
☉ 11357287:Psychosocial impact and personality predictors of coherence feeling among girls with acne
☉ 11357288:Magnesium therapy in birth asphyxia
☉ 11357289:Clinical profile and natural history of children with HIV infection
☉ 11357290:National rural health mission: Training of health functionaries
☉ 11357291:Author's reply
☉ 11357292:Early onset neonatal sepsis
☉ 11357293:Improvement in Lasegue's sign: An early predictor of recovery in childhood Guillain-barre syndrome
☉ 11357294:Persistent pulmonary hypertension among neonates with sepsis
☉ 11357295:Jarcho-Levin syndrome
☉ 11357296:Childhood primary mesenteric seminoma
☉ 11357297:Hypereosinophilic syndrome
☉ 11357298:Caroli's disease
☉ 11357299:Crohn's disease presenting as palatal ulcer
☉ 11357300:Neonatal nosocomial infections in Bahrami children hospital

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