☉ 11354501:Global warming threatens reversal in fight against poverty, says report
☉ 11354502:Companies may face tighter regulation over promoting drugs
☉ 11354503:Doctors and drug companies are locked in "vicious circle"
☉ 11354504:United Nations fails to agree on human cloning
☉ 11354505:Public Library of Science launches "author pays" model
☉ 11354506:BMA continues to oppose assisted suicide and euthanasia
☉ 11354507:NICE guidance on epilepsy recommends specialist diagnosis
☉ 11354508:Doctors need not ventilate baby to prolong his life
☉ 11354509:Commission unveils shocking pictures for cigarette packs
☉ 11354510:Shortage of emergency doctors will take eight years to rectify
☉ 11354511:In brief
☉ 11354512:BMA says scientists should take part in bioterrorism debate
☉ 11354513:AMA calls for inquiry into doctors' role in abuse of prisoners
☉ 11354514:US and UK scientists disagree about causes of Gulf war syndrome
☉ 11354515:Private sector needs incentives for AIDS vaccine
☉ 11354516:Health needs of Zimbabweans are poorly recognised in UK
☉ 11354517:Treatment of impetigo
☉ 11354518:Treatment of impetigo
☉ 11354519:Preventing the spread of MRSA
☉ 11354520:Preventing the spread of MRSA
☉ 11354521:Preventing the spread of MRSA
☉ 11354522:Bioterrorism and compulsory vaccination
☉ 11354523:Bioterrorism and compulsory vaccination
☉ 11354524:Bioterrorism and compulsory vaccination
☉ 11354525:Winter mortality in elderly people in Britain
☉ 11354526:Winter mortality in elderly people in Britain
☉ 11354527:Winter mortality in elderly people in Britain
☉ 11354528:Winter mortality in elderly people in Britain
☉ 11354529:Inclusion of cost effectiveness in licensing requirements of new drugs: the fourth hurdle
☉ 11354530:The PROGRESS trial three years later: time for more action, less distraction
☉ 11354531:The PROGRESS trial three years later: time for a balanced report of effectiveness
☉ 11354532:Individual response to treatment: is it a valid assumption?
☉ 11354533:Respiratory complications of preterm birth
☉ 11354534:Childhood leukaemia masquerading as juvenile idiopathic arthritis
☉ 11354535:Risks of general anaesthesia in people with obstructive sleep apnoea
☉ 11354536:National cross sectional study of views on sexual violence and risk of HIV infection and AIDS among South African school pupils
☉ 11354537:The effectiveness of five strategies for the prevention of gastrointestinal toxicity induced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: syste
☉ 11354538:Are written responses to some referrals to a general haematology clinic acceptable?
☉ 11354539:Questionnaire survey on use of placebo
☉ 11354540:Childhood predictors of self reported chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis in adults: national birth cohort study
☉ 11354541:Foundation calls for universal hepatitis B vaccination in UK infants
☉ 11354542:Young pregnant women lack help and support from doctors
☉ 11354543:Drugs companies are defrauding healthcare systems, conference hears
☉ 11354544:NHS pay rises must lead to better services, say MPs
☉ 11354545:Germany may allow employers to introduce gene tests for job seekers
☉ 11354546:UK body calls on UN to allow therapeutic cloning
☉ 11354547:Pfizer criticised over delay in admitting drug's problems
☉ 11354548:Doctors favour legalising assisted suicide for dying patients
☉ 11354549:GP visits excluded from Netherlands' no claims bonus scheme
☉ 11354550:Parents claiming a link between MMR vaccine and autism lose final appeal for legal aid

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