☉ 11366301:New procedure will speed up approval for embryo screening
☉ 11366302:Assessment system in Britain is failing medical research
☉ 11366303:Shared care helps reduce mortality in patients with heart failure
☉ 11366304:30 years' follow up of randomised studies of adjuvant CMF in operable
☉ 11366305:Coroner is asked to review deaths of nursing home residents
☉ 11366306:Pathologist in Sally Clark murder case is charged with withholding vit
☉ 11366307:Radon in homes and risk of lung cancer: collaborative analysis of indi
☉ 11366308:Breast cancer mortality in Copenhagen after introduction of mammograph
☉ 11366309:Delayed hypersensitivity due to epidural block with ropivacaine
☉ 11366310:A multiagency protocol for responding to sudden unexpected death in in
☉ 11366311:Radon blues
☉ 11366312:Chaperones for intimate examinations: cross sectional survey of attitu
☉ 11366313:Use and offering of chaperones by general practitioners: postal questi
☉ 11366314:Use of inhaled corticosteroids during pregnancy and risk of pregnancy
☉ 11366315:Recent developments in atrial fibrillation
☉ 11366316:Tinnitus
☉ 11366317:The GMC: expediency before principle
☉ 11366318:Change will not happen overnight
☉ 11366319:Smoke and mirrors: deficiencies in disaster funding
☉ 11366320:Female athlete triad
☉ 11366321:The GMC: expediency before principle
☉ 11366322:The GMC: expediency before principle
☉ 11366323:The GMC: expediency before principle
☉ 11366324:The GMC: expediency before principle
☉ 11366325:The GMC: expediency before principle
☉ 11366326:The GMC: expediency before principle
☉ 11366327:The GMC: expediency before principle
☉ 11366328:Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes
☉ 11366329:Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes
☉ 11366330:"Disaster mental health": lessons from Aberfan
☉ 11366331:Why doctors don't read research papers
☉ 11366332:Sentinel systems are needed for long term adverse drug reactions
☉ 11366333:Full engagement in health
☉ 11366334:Full engagement in health
☉ 11366335:墨旱莲对4种蝮蛇毒引起的炎症和出血的影响
☉ 11366336:Why doctors don't read research papers
☉ 11366337:Why doctors don't read research papers
☉ 11366338:激素联合抗蛇毒血清环行封闭治疗毒蛇咬伤伤口溃疡
☉ 11366339:犀角地黄汤化裁方对蛇伤患者血浆TT、PT、APTT的影响
☉ 11366340:中华眼镜蛇咬伤致局部组织损伤三种疗法的临床疗效观察
☉ 11366341:东北地区蛇伤的发病特点及救治
☉ 11366342:依托米酯在人工流产手术中的应用
☉ 11366343:纤溶酶与盐酸丁咯地尔联合治疗椎等基底动脉供血不足的临床研究
☉ 11366344:甲氯芬酯治疗急性乙醇中毒62例疗效观察
☉ 11366345:北方城市蛇伤的护理
☉ 11366346:眼镜蛇咬伤并发水痘等带状疱疹1例报告
☉ 11366347:余培南主任医师诊治毒蛇咬伤经验
☉ 11366348:弥漫性结缔组织病在多系统损害中的临床表现
☉ 11366349:大剂量有机磷农药中毒1例报告
☉ 11366350:误食马陆(千脚虫)致口唇过敏性水肿1例报告

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