☉ 11371851:SITECON: a tool for detecting conservative conformational and physicoc
☉ 11371852:PupaSNP Finder: a web tool for finding SNPs with putative effect at tr
☉ 11371853:SeqVISTA: a new module of integrated computational tools for studying
☉ 11371854:Dragon TF Association Miner: a system for exploring transcription fact
☉ 11371855:POBO, transcription factor binding site verification with bootstrappin
☉ 11371856:BEARR: Batch Extraction and Analysis of cis-Regulatory Regions
☉ 11371857:CREME: Cis-Regulatory Module Explorer for the human genome
☉ 11371858:ConSite: web-based prediction of regulatory elements using cross-speci
☉ 11371859:VISTA: computational tools for comparative genomics
☉ 11371860:KCaM (KEGG Carbohydrate Matcher): a software tool for analyzing the st
☉ 11371861:GlycoFragment and GlycoSearchMS: web tools to support the interpretati
☉ 11371862:GFINDer: Genome Function INtegrated Discoverer through dynamic annotat
☉ 11371863:IsoFinder: computational prediction of isochores in genome sequences
☉ 11371864:ECR Browser: a tool for visualizing and accessing data from comparison
☉ 11371865:AUGUSTUS: a web server for gene finding in eukaryotes
☉ 11371866:AGenDA: gene prediction by cross-species sequence comparison
☉ 11371867:e2g: an interactive web-based server for efficiently mapping large EST
☉ 11371868:The PredictProtein server
☉ 11371869:PredictRegulon: a web server for the prediction of the regulatory prot
☉ 11371870:GOblet: a platform for Gene Ontology annotation of anonymous sequence
☉ 11371871:ProSight PTM: an integrated environment for protein identification and
☉ 11371872:Phydbac2: improved inference of gene function using interactive phylog
☉ 11371873:MyHits: a new interactive resource for protein annotation and domain i
☉ 11371874:CD-Search: protein domain annotations on the fly
☉ 11371875:RECON: a program for prediction of nucleosome formation potential
☉ 11371876:SDPMOD: an automated comparative modeling server for small disulfide-b
☉ 11371877:CysView: protein classification based on cysteine pairing patterns
☉ 11371878:GDAP: a web tool for genome-wide protein disulfide bond prediction
☉ 11371879:PrediSi: prediction of signal peptides and their cleavage positions
☉ 11371880:MITOPRED: a web server for the prediction of mitochondrial proteins
☉ 11371881:Proteome Analyst: custom predictions with explanations in a web-based
☉ 11371882:ConPred II: a consensus prediction method for obtaining transmembrane
☉ 11371883:GPCRpred: an SVM-based method for prediction of families and subfamili
☉ 11371884:PRED-GPCR: GPCR recognition and family classification server
☉ 11371885:NRPS-PKS: a knowledge-based resource for analysis of NRPS/PKS megasynt
☉ 11371886:PRED-TMBB: a web server for predicting the topology of ?-barrel outer
☉ 11371887:BOMP: a program to predict integral ?-barrel outer membrane proteins e
☉ 11371888:The Iccare web server: an attempt to merge sequence and mapping inform
☉ 11371889:SDPpred: a tool for prediction of amino acid residues that determine d
☉ 11371890:MotifViz: an analysis and visualization tool for motif discovery
☉ 11371891:ESLpred: SVM-based method for subcellular localization of eukaryotic p
☉ 11371892:ArrayProspector: a web resource of functional associations inferred fr
☉ 11371893:KARMA: a web server application for comparing and annotating heterogen
☉ 11371894:IMGT/V-QUEST, an integrated software program for immunoglobulin and T
☉ 11371895:ArrayXPath: mapping and visualizing microarray gene-expression data wi
☉ 11371896:ArrayPipe: a flexible processing pipeline for microarray data
☉ 11371897:Onto-Tools: an ensemble of web-accessible, ontology-based tools for th
☉ 11371898:CONFAC: automated application of comparative genomic promoter analysis
☉ 11371899:ProbeLynx: a tool for updating the association of microarray probes to
☉ 11371900:Expression Profiler: next generation—an online platform for analysis o

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