☉ 11373501:A Novel Chromatin Protein, Distantly Related to Histone H2A, Is Largel
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☉ 11373507:Convergence of v?3 Integrin– and Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor–
☉ 11373508:The Role of Macrophages in Demyelinating Peripheral Nervous System of
☉ 11373509:Original Article
☉ 11373510:Two Distinct Vps34 Phosphatidylinositol 3–Kinase Complexes Function in
☉ 11373511:A Novel Function of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC5 in Cytokinesis
☉ 11373512:The Cytokinesis Gene KEULE Encodes a Sec1 Protein That Binds the Synta
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☉ 11373520:PITX2 Regulates Procollagen Lysyl Hydroxylase (PLOD) Gene Expression:
☉ 11373521:Tyrosine Phosphorylation of IB
☉ 11373522:Identification and Characterization of an Escorter for Two Secretory A
☉ 11373523:Tortoise, a Novel Mitochondrial Protein, Is Required for Directional R
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☉ 11373528:Of Yeast, Mice, and Men: Rab Proteins and Organelle Transport
☉ 11373529:Drosophila Aurora B Kinase Is Required for Histone H3 Phosphorylation
☉ 11373530:Rab27a: A Key to Melanosome Transport in Human Melanocytes
☉ 11373531:Defective Granule Exocytosis in Rab27a-deficient Lymphocytes from Ashe
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☉ 11373534:Hsp70 and Antifibrillogenic Peptides Promote Degradation and Inhibit I
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☉ 11373536:Dissection of Autophagosome Formation using Apg5-deficient Mouse Embry
☉ 11373537:Rab27a Is Required for Regulated Secretion in Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes
☉ 11373538:Distinct Protein Sorting and Localization to Premelanosomes, Melanosom
☉ 11373539:Presenilin 1 Negatively Regulates ?-Catenin/T Cell Factor/Lymphoid Enh
☉ 11373540:Rab27a Regulates the Peripheral Distribution of Melanosomes in Melanoc
☉ 11373541:A Novel 14-Kilodalton Protein Interacts with the Mitogen-activated Pro
☉ 11373542:The Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor PAI-1 Controls In Vivo Tumor Vascu
☉ 11373543:In Brief
☉ 11373544:Caveolin, Cholesterol, and Lipid Droplets
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☉ 11373546:The Supramolecular Organization of Fibrillin-rich Microfibrils
☉ 11373547:A Specific Role of Phosphatidylinositol 3–Kinase : A Regulation of Aut
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☉ 11373550:Equine Herpesvirus Protein E10 Induces Membrane Recruitment and Phosph

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