☉ 11370401:Endocytotic elimination and domain-selective tethering constitute a po
☉ 11370402:T cell receptor antagonism interferes with MHC clustering and integrin
☉ 11370403:Radixin deficiency causes deafness associated with progressive degener
☉ 11370404:Less kinesin, more condensation
☉ 11370405:Actin branches out in yeast
☉ 11370406:Esophageal muscle physiology and morphogenesis require assembly of a c
☉ 11370407:Flagellar microtubules do the twist
☉ 11370408:Calcium lights up cell cycle
☉ 11370409:Less kinesin, more condensation
☉ 11370410:Home | Help | Feedback | Subscriptions | Archive | Search | Table of C
☉ 11370411:Shh is out on a limb
☉ 11370412:Swelling with tumors
☉ 11370413:Pericentrin pivotal in primary cilia
☉ 11370414:Human chromokinesin KIF4A functions in chromosome condensation and seg
☉ 11370415:Getting to the inner circle
☉ 11370416:at right angles
☉ 11370417:Pericentrin forms a complex with intraflagellar transport proteins and
☉ 11370418:Yeast actin patches are networks of branched actin filaments
☉ 11370419:Two novel proteins in the mitochondrial outer membrane mediate ?-barre
☉ 11370420:Calcium-dependent regulation of the cell cycle via a novel MAPK–NF-B p
☉ 11370421:Kazrin, a novel periplakin-interacting protein associated with desmoso
☉ 11370422:Membrane insertion of anthrax protective antigen and cytoplasmic deliv
☉ 11370423:Bend propagation drives central pair rotation in Chlamydomonas reinhar
☉ 11370424:Phospholipase C and cofilin are required for carcinoma cell directiona
☉ 11370425:Sorting of a nonmuscle tropomyosin to a novel cytoskeletal compartment
☉ 11370426:Sonic hedgehog regulates the proliferation, differentiation, and migra
☉ 11370427:Intracellular triggering of Fas aggregation and recruitment of apoptot
☉ 11370428:The raft-associated protein MAL is required for maintenance of proper
☉ 11370429:Bro1 coordinates deubiquitination in the multivesicular body pathway b
☉ 11370430:A model of cell death
☉ 11370431:Best stiffness for striation
☉ 11370432:Role of lipid rafts in E-cadherin– and HGF-R/Met–mediated entry of Lis
☉ 11370433:Tumors need less regulation
☉ 11370434:Condensation by folding
☉ 11370435:Forced to bond
☉ 11370436:Clathrin starts off alone
☉ 11370437:Slow but steady wins the drug race
☉ 11370438:Hitched genes still independent
☉ 11370439:Dystrophic muscles get overexcited
☉ 11370440:YidC family members are involved in the membrane insertion, lateral in
☉ 11370441:Impacts of a new transcription factor family : mammalian GCM proteins
☉ 11370442:Impacts of a new transcription factor family : mammalian GCM proteins
☉ 11370443:Functional interaction between BLM helicase and 53BP1 in a Chk1-mediat
☉ 11370444:Quantitative kinetic analysis of nucleolar breakdown and reassembly du
☉ 11370445:Visualization of early chromosome condensation : a hierarchical foldin
☉ 11370446:Mathematical modeling reveals threshold mechanism in CD95-induced apop
☉ 11370447:A novel checkpoint in the Bcl-2–regulated apoptotic pathway revealed b
☉ 11370448:Transcription-dependent spatial arrangements of CFTR and adjacent gene
☉ 11370449:MaintenancMyotubes differentiate optimally on substrates with tissue-l
☉ 11370450:Rb is required for progression through myogenic differentiation but no

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