☉ 11368201:Neural crest stem cell maintenance by combinatorial Wnt and BMP signal
☉ 11368202:Efficient formation of bipolar microtubule bundles requires microtubul
☉ 11368203:Optineurin links myosin VI to the Golgi complex and is involved in Gol
☉ 11368204:Prion protein recruits its neuronal receptor NCAM to lipid rafts to ac
☉ 11368205:LL5? : a regulator of postsynaptic differentiation identified in a scr
☉ 11368206:Phosphorylation of p66Shc and forkhead proteins mediates A? toxicity
☉ 11368207:A developmentally regulated Na-H exchanger in Dictyostelium discoideum
☉ 11368208:Roles of Pif1-like helicases in the maintenance of genomic stability
☉ 11368209:Coordination of DNA synthesis and replicative unwinding by the S-phase
☉ 11368210:A dynamic model for replication protein A (RPA) function in DNA proces
☉ 11368211:Dead-box proteins: a family affair—active and passive players in RNP-r
☉ 11368212:Snf2 family ATPases and DExx box helicases: differences and unifying c
☉ 11368213:DNA unwinding and protein displacement by superfamily 1 and superfamil
☉ 11368214:Role of RNA helicases in HIV-1 replication
☉ 11368215:DEAD-box RNA helicases in Escherichia coli
☉ 11368216:Remodeling of ribonucleoprotein complexes with DExH/D RNA helicases
☉ 11368217:Xp54 and related (DDX6-like) RNA helicases: roles in messenger RNP ass
☉ 11368218:Mechanisms of a ring shaped helicase
☉ 11368219:DExD/H box RNA helicases: multifunctional proteins with important role
☉ 11368220:Non-linear analysis of GeneChip arrays
☉ 11368221:A genome-wide study of preferential amplification/hybridization in mic
☉ 11368222:RNA helicases and abiotic stress
☉ 11368223:Antisense-induced ribosomal frameshifting
☉ 11368224:EASI—enrichment of alternatively spliced isoforms
☉ 11368225:High-throughput assays for DNA gyrase and other topoisomerases
☉ 11368226:The gene of an archaeal -L-fucosidase is expressed by translational fr
☉ 11368227:Structural basis for topoisomerase VI inhibition by the anti-Hsp90 dru
☉ 11368228:Dynamics of nascent mRNA folding and RNA–protein interactions: an alte
☉ 11368229:Formation of the conserved pseudouridine at position 55 in archaeal tR
☉ 11368230:Unraveling helicase mechanisms one molecule at a time
☉ 11368231:DNA mechanics as a tool to probe helicase and translocase activity
☉ 11368232:Mycobacterial transcriptional signals: requirements for recognition by
☉ 11368233:GLUT4 ready to go
☉ 11368234:Agrin drives synaptogenesis
☉ 11368235:Integrins control migration style
☉ 11368236:Autoimmune TCR structure
☉ 11368237:Junctions tighten myelin sheaths
☉ 11368238:Evidence for AMPAR association
☉ 11368239:Defining gap junctions
☉ 11368240:Separating receptor and ligand
☉ 11368241:Quick stop for lymphocytes
☉ 11368242:MCAK associates with the tips of polymerizing microtubules
☉ 11368243:Capacitative calcium entry : sensing the calcium stores
☉ 11368244:Endothelial tight junctions form the blood–brain barrier
☉ 11368245:Spines reach out
☉ 11368246:Spines reach out
☉ 11368247:Coatomer-bound Cdc42 regulates dynein recruitment to COPI vesicles
☉ 11368248:Promotion of importin –mediated nuclear import by the phosphorylation-
☉ 11368249:Impairment of starvation-induced and constitutive autophagy in Atg7-de
☉ 11368250:Motors take turns

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