☉ 11366651:Opening the door on vested interests
☉ 11366652:Canadian life expectancy varies greatly depending on ethnic origin
☉ 11366653:Patients with cancer are at high risk of venous thrombosis
☉ 11366654:Abstinence only programmes do not change sexual behaviour, Texas study
☉ 11366655:Austrian medical schools fear influx of German students
☉ 11366656:Asbestos related cancer deaths set to rise
☉ 11366657:Newcastle centre gains licence for therapeutic cloning
☉ 11366658:Rectal artemether versus intravenous quinine for the treatment of cere
☉ 11366659:Effectiveness of speed cameras in preventing road traffic collisions a
☉ 11366660:US institute announces initiative to put all its research on the web
☉ 11366661:Monitoring changes in hospital standardised mortality ratios
☉ 11366662:A support group's perspective
☉ 11366663:Long term psychological outcome for women with congenital adrenal hype
☉ 11366664:Randomised controlled trial of conservative management of postnatal ur
☉ 11366665:Association between hormone replacement therapy and subsequent stroke:
☉ 11366666:What's new this month in BMJ Journals
☉ 11366667:Zinc deficiency: what are the most appropriate interventions?
☉ 11366668:Headache
☉ 11366669:Time to review all the evidence for hormone replacement therapy
☉ 11366670:Testing patients to allow tailored drug treatment
☉ 11366671:Azathioprine-induced pancytopenia in a patient with pompholyx and defi
☉ 11366672:Academic medicine: who is it for?
☉ 11366673:Healthcare lessons from Australia: what can Michael Howard learn from
☉ 11366674:Consent, competence, and confidentiality
☉ 11366675:Academic medicine: who is it for?
☉ 11366676:Academic medicine: who is it for?
☉ 11366677:Academic medicine: who is it for?
☉ 11366678:Academic medicine: who is it for?
☉ 11366679:Academic medicine: who is it for?
☉ 11366680:Academic medicine: who is it for?
☉ 11366681:Academic medicine: who is it for?
☉ 11366682:Academic medicine: who is it for?
☉ 11366683:Academic medicine: who is it for?
☉ 11366684:BMJ should notify doctors whose practice is criticised in interactive
☉ 11366685:Academic medicine: who is it for?
☉ 11366686:Academic medicine: who is it for?
☉ 11366687:Academic medicine: who is it for?
☉ 11366688:Shortage of surgeons might threaten NHS targets
☉ 11366689:Dealing with editorial misconduct
☉ 11366690:Dealing with editorial misconduct
☉ 11366691:Italy's health minister reported to be under investigation
☉ 11366692:In brief
☉ 11366693:Lack of women cardiologists might lower standards
☉ 11366694:Barrier in West Bank threatens residents' health care, says report
☉ 11366695:Woman seeks approval to use frozen embryos
☉ 11366696:Standard of care by doctors may drop with years spent in practice
☉ 11366697:New health funding allocation targets England's deprived areas
☉ 11366698:Antibiotic resistance is highest in south and east Europe
☉ 11366699:Findings from COX 2 studies are released
☉ 11366700:Medical courts could ease US malpractice crisis, group says

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