☉ 11385501:Building on the GMC's achievements
☉ 11385502:Judge over-rules earlier decision on Charlotte Wyatt
☉ 11385503:Academic staff frustrated with research assessment exercise
☉ 11385504:Patients with aortic aneurysm deserve higher priority
☉ 11385505:Doctors who write guidelines often have ties to the drug industry
☉ 11385506:Stem cell foundation greeted by cautious optimism
☉ 11385507:Bird flu poses no immediate threat to Europe, leading virologist claim
☉ 11385508:GP goes on trial for killing three patients
☉ 11385509:Australian state and federal governments are attacked on mental health
☉ 11385510:Assisted suicide organisation opens branch in Germany
☉ 11385511:Scotland sets up its first forensic art unit
☉ 11385512:Guidance on reporting under age sex is confusing
☉ 11385513:Combating the free movement of micro-organisms
☉ 11385514:MRSA bacteraemia in patients on arrival in hospital: a cohort study in
☉ 11385515:Systematic review of misdiagnosis of conversion symptoms and "hysteria
☉ 11385516:Trastuzumab halves risk of recurrence of breast cancer in some women
☉ 11385517:Charity calls for improved breast awareness in UK ethnic communities
☉ 11385518:Ten out of 25 EU countries restrict health care for asylum seekers to
☉ 11385519:The patient's journey: the progressive ataxias
☉ 11385520:What the educators are saying
☉ 11385521:Effect of a community oriented problem based learning curriculum on qu
☉ 11385522:Effect of incorporating a 10 minute point of care test for salivary ni
☉ 11385523:What's new in the other general journals
☉ 11385524:Twenty five years of HIV infection in haemophilic men in Britain: an o
☉ 11385525:Age at retirement and long term survival of an industrial population:
☉ 11385526:Adjuvant trastuzumab for breast cancer
☉ 11385527:Information for patients on medicines
☉ 11385528:Commissioning for rare diseases: view from the frontline
☉ 11385529:Orphan drugs and the NHS: should we value rarity?
☉ 11385530:Problems in assessing rates of infection with methicillin resistant St
☉ 11385531:How computers help make efficient use of consultations
☉ 11385532:Lawyers gain access to Guantanamo medical records
☉ 11385533:UK will review partial smoking ban in 2010, MPs' committee told
☉ 11385534:UK government is condemned for compromise on smoking ban
☉ 11385535:Human resources for health in Africa
☉ 11385536:Including older people in clinical research
☉ 11385537:India plans to audit clinical trials
☉ 11385538:New children's hospital for London
☉ 11385539:UK must tackle road crashes, skin cancer, and asthma
☉ 11385540:Roche Canada stops distributing oseltamivir
☉ 11385541:Doctors warn of potentially catastrophic flu pandemic in UK
☉ 11385542:Experts question wisdom of stockpiling oseltamivir
☉ 11385543:Professors speak out against advertising directly to consumers
☉ 11385544:School dinners and markers of cardiovascular health and type 2 diabete
☉ 11385545:Self management of oral anticoagulation: randomised trial
☉ 11385546:What's new in the other general journals
☉ 11385547:Meta-analysis of MTHFR 677CT polymorphism and coronary heart disease:
☉ 11385548:Improvement in household stoves and risk of chronic obstructive pulmon
☉ 11385549:Prevention of colorectal cancer by colonoscopic surveillance in indivi
☉ 11385550:Medical paternalism and expensive unsubsidised drugs
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