☉ 11409101:Transient Ischemic Attacks in Rural and Urban Northern Portugal
☉ 11409102:Estimates From the Framingham Study
☉ 11409103:Low-Dose Aspirin for Prevention of Stroke in Low-Risk Patients With At
☉ 11409104:A Randomized Controlled Trial of Supervised Versus Unsupervised Exerci
☉ 11409105:Guidelines for Prevention of Stroke in Patients With Ischemic Stroke o
☉ 11409106:Association of Phosphodiesterase 4D With Ischemic Stroke
☉ 11409107:Impact of White Matter Hyperintensities Scoring Method on Correlations
☉ 11409108:Greater Incidence of Both Fatal and Nonfatal Strokes in Disadvantaged
☉ 11409109:Stroke Onset Time Using Sodium MRI in Rat Focal Cerebral Ischemia
☉ 11409110:Seropositivity to Chlamydia pneumoniae Is Associated With Risk of Firs
☉ 11409111:Knowledge About Risk Factors for Stroke
☉ 11409112:Angioplasty for Symptomatic Intracranial Stenosis
☉ 11409113:Predicting Long-Term Independency in Activities of Daily Living After
☉ 11409114:Severely increased risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among Italian
☉ 11409115:Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in children: risk factors, presentati
☉ 11409116:Effects of non-invasive cortical stimulation on skilled motor function
☉ 11409117:36例急性心肌梗死静脉溶栓治疗体会
☉ 11409118:1 Human Cortical Physiology Section, National Institute of Neurologica
☉ 11409119:Early and late HHV-6 gene transcripts in multiple sclerosis lesions an
☉ 11409120:54例儿童心前区不适的动态心电图分析
☉ 11409121:Inflammation stimulates remyelination in areas of chronic demyelinatio
☉ 11409122:59份冷冻饮品检测结果分析
☉ 11409123:Efficient myelin repair in the macaque spinal cord by autologous graft
☉ 11409124:Down-regulation of apoptosis mediators by RNAi inhibits axotomy-induce
☉ 11409125:64层螺旋CT冠状动脉造影检查的护理
☉ 11409126:Reversal of dyskinesias in an animal model of Parkinson's disease by c
☉ 11409127:Bilateral subthalamotomy in Parkinson's disease: initial and long-term
☉ 11409128:The basal ganglia and rule-governed language use: evidence from vascul
☉ 11409129:Pathologically proven frontotemporal dementia presenting with severe a
☉ 11409130:Cross-modal plasticity revealed by electrotactile stimulation of the t
☉ 11409131:2005年参加贵州省血液质量评价结果分析
☉ 11409132:Abstract and concrete concepts have structurally different representat
☉ 11409133:Abstract and concrete concepts have structurally different representat
☉ 11409134:Impaired recognition of scary music following unilateral temporal lobe
☉ 11409135:2006年涟钢公共场所从业人员乙肝病毒检测报告
☉ 11409136:Abstract and concrete concepts have structurally different representat
☉ 11409137:The role of periventricular nodular heterotopia in epileptogenesis
☉ 11409138:BECKMAN CX3△生化分析仪的日常维护及常见故障处理
☉ 11409139:A new clinical and molecular form of Unverricht–Lundborg disease local
☉ 11409140:CR伪影的研讨及解决对策
☉ 11409141:Widespread nuclear and cytoplasmic accumulation of mutant androgen rec
☉ 11409142:CT引导下经皮肺穿刺活检对肺内病灶的诊断价值
☉ 11409143:Clinical manifestation and natural course of late-onset Pompe's diseas
☉ 11409144:O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine PET combined with MRI improves the d
☉ 11409145:ELISA检测p24抗原用于诊断HIV感染的研究现状
☉ 11409146:OUTLOOK 0.23 T磁共振梯度子系统典型故障分析与维修2例
☉ 11409147:C反应蛋白检测在感染性肺炎诊断中的临床应用
☉ 11409148:Roy适应模式用于主动脉夹层的护理
☉ 11409149:ST段平展在异常心电图中所占的比例及价值
☉ 11409150:ED患者性激素水平检测的临床意义

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