- Pore properties and pharmacological features of the P2X receptor channel in airway ciliated cells
- Muscarinic receptor activation tunes mouse stratum oriens interneurones to amplify spike reliability
- T-type Ca2+ channels encode prior neuronal activity as modulated recovery rates
- Src family kinases play multiple roles in differentiation of trophoblasts from human term placenta
- Fundamental importance of Na+–Ca2+ exchange for the pacemaking mechanism in guinea-pig sino-atrial node
- Neonatal programming of the rat neuroimmune response: stimulus specific changes elicited by bacterial and viral mimetics
- Evaluation of plateau-potential-mediated ‘warm up’ in human motor units
- Cycling efficiency in humans is related to low UCP3 content and to type I fibres but not to mitochondrial efficiency
- Xanthine oxidase does not contribute to impaired peripheral conduit artery endothelium-dependent dilatation with ageing
- Differential effects of prenatal exposure to dexamethasone or cortisol on circulatory control mechanisms mediated by angiotensin I
- Static and dynamic -motor output to ankle flexor muscles during locomotion in the decerebrate cat
- Motor commands contribute to human position sense
- Purkinje cells in the lateral cerebellum of the cat encode visual events and target motion during visually guided reaching
- Cyclothiazide induces robust epileptiform activity in rat hippocampal neurons both in vitro and in vivo
- Temporal facilitation of spastic stretch reflexes following human spinal cord injury
- Dopamine-dependent non-linear correlation between subthalamic rhythms in Parkinson's disease