- Phosphorylation of histone H3 during transcriptional activation depends on promoter structure
- Telomere-based crisis: functional differences between telomerase activation and ALT in tumor progression
- The ADAMs family of metalloproteases: multidomain proteins with multiple functions
- The highly conserved Ndc80 complex is required for kinetochore assembly, chromosome congression, and spindle checkpoint activity
- Yeast DNA polymerase zeta() is essential for error-free replication past thymine glycol
- A biochemical framework for RNA silencing in plants
- EGF-CFC proteins are essential coreceptors for the TGF- signals Vg and GDF
- Fgfr regulates patterning of the pharyngeal region
- Nitric oxide contributes to induction of innate immune responses to gram-negative bacteria in Drosophila
- Pax is required for recombination of transcribed acetylated, 5' IgH V gene segments
- A two-cilia model for vertebrate left-right axis specification
- Checkpoint activation regulates mutagenic translesion synthesis
- Multipotent cell lineages in early mouse development depend on SOX function