- Mosaicism of Solid Gold Supports the Causality of a Noncoding A-to-G Transition in the Determinism of the Callipyge Phenotype
- Multitrait Fine Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci Using Combined Linkage Disequilibria and Linkage Analysis
- On Marker-Assisted Prediction of Genetic Value: Beyond the Ridge
- One Hundred Years of Mouse Genetics: An Intellectual History. I. The Classical Period(1902–1980)
- Population Genetics of Caenorhabditis elegans: The Paradox of Low Polymorphism in a Widespread Species
- Positive Selection of Caenorhabditis elegans Mutants With Increased Stress Resistance and Longevity
- Genetic and Functional Analysis of DD44, a Sex-Linked Gene From the Dioecious Plant Silene latifolia Provides Clues to Early Events in Sex Chromosome
- Roles for WHITE COLLAR-1 in Circadian and General Photoperception in Neurospora crassa
- Sequence Variation of Alcohol Dehydrogenase(Adh) Paralogs in Cactophilic Drosophila
- SOD2 Functions Downstream of Sch9 to Extend Longevity in Yeast
- amontillado the Drosophila Homolog of the Prohormone Processing Protease PC2 Is Required During Embryogenesis and Early Larval Development
- Analysis of Ras-Induced Overproliferation in Drosophila Hemocytes
- Bounds on the Minimum Number of Recombination Events in a Sample History
- Cloning of the Pleiotropic T Locus in Soybean and Two Recessive Alleles That Differentially Affect Structure and Expression of the Encoded Flavonoid 3
- Common Spontaneous Sex-Reversed XX males of the Medaka Oryzias latipes
- Control of Vulval Competence and Centering in the Nematode Oscheius sp. 1 CEW1
- Effects of Genetic Background on Response to Selection in Experimental Populations of Arabidopsis thaliana
- Estimating Ancestral Population Sizes and Divergence Times
- Estimating Effective Population Size and Migration Rates From Genetic Samples Over Space and Time
- Identification of a Functional Domain Within the Essential Core of Histone H3 That Is Required for Telomeric and HM Silencing in Saccharomyces cerevis
- In Vivo Introduction of Unpreferred Synonymous Codons Into the Drosophila Adh Gene Results in Reduced Levels of ADH Protein
- Interallelic Complementation at the Mouse Mitf Locus
- Specialization of Function Among Aldehyde Dehydrogenases: The ALD2 and ALD3 Genes Are Required for ß-Alanine Biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerev
- Suppression of the ELO-2 FA Elongation Activity Results in Alterations of the Fatty Acid Composition and Multiple Physiological Defects Including Abn
- The Inheritance of Chemical Phenotype in Cannabis sativa L.
- The Rad27(Fen-1) Nuclease Inhibits Ty1 Mobility in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- The Role of 2n Gametes and Endosperm Balance Number in the Origin and Evolution of Polyploids in the Tuber-Bearing Solanums
- Large-Scale Functional Genomic Analysis of Sporulation and Meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Unexpected Complexity of Poly(A)-Binding Protein Gene Families in Flowering Plants: Three Conserved Lineages That Are at Least 200 Million Years Old a
- Loss of CDC5 Function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Leads to Defects in Swe1p Regulation and Bfa1p/Bub2p-Independent Cytokinesis
- Molecular Dissection of a Quantitative Trait Locus: A Phenylalanine-to-Tyrosine Substitution in the Transmembrane Domain of the Bovine Growth Hormone
- A Diffusion Approximation for Selection and Drift in a Subdivided Population
- A Novel System of Fertility Rescue in Drosophila Hybrids Reveals a Link Between Hybrid Lethality and Female Sterility
- A P-Element Insertion Screen Identified Mutations in 455 Novel Essential Genes in Drosophila