- A Critical Role for the Cannabinoid CB1 Receptors in Alcohol Dependence and Stress-Stimulated Ethanol Drinking
- Respiratory Motor Recovery after Unilateral Spinal Cord Injury: Eliminating Crossed Phrenic Activity Decreases Tidal Volume and Increases Contralatera
- Resting Potential and Submembrane Calcium Concentration of Inner Hair Cells in the Isolated Mouse Cochlea Are Set by KCNQ-Type Potassium Channels
- Stochastic Resonance within the Somatosensory System: Effects of Noise on Evoked Field Potentials Elicited by Tactile Stimuli
- Striatal Cell Type-Specific Overexpression of FosB Enhances Incentive for Cocaine
- Submillisecond Synchronization of Fast Electrical Oscillations in Neocortex
- Synchronized Formation and Remodeling of Postsynaptic Densities: Long-Term Visualization of Hippocampal Neurons Expressing Postsynaptic Density Protei
- The Binding of 2-(4'-Methylaminophenyl)Benzothiazole to Postmortem Brain Homogenates Is Dominated by the Amyloid Component
- The Edinger-Westphal-Lateral Septum Urocortin Pathway and Its Relationship to Alcohol Consumption
- The EGL-21 Carboxypeptidase E Facilitates Acetylcholine Release at Caenorhabditis elegans Neuromuscular Junctions
- Ultrastructural Contributions to Desensitization at Cerebellar Mossy Fiber to Granule Cell Synapses
- Upregulation of the Hyperpolarization-Activated Cation Current after Chronic Compression of the Dorsal Root Ganglion
- Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels and AnkyrinG Occupy a Different Postsynaptic Domain from Acetylcholine Receptors from an Early Stage of Neuromuscular Ju
- What Neural Correlates Underlie Successful Encoding and Retrieval? A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study Using a Divided Attention Paradigm
- Absence of Whisker-Related Pattern Formation in Mice with NMDA Receptors Lacking Coincidence Detection Properties and Calcium Signaling
- Activation of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase by Stretch-Induced Injury in Astrocytes Involves Extracellular ATP and P2 Purinergic Receptors
- Activation of Microglial Group III Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Protects Neurons against Microglial Neurotoxicity
- Adenylate Cyclase 1 as a Key Actor in the Refinement of Retinal Projection Maps
- Behavioral Transitions Modulate Hippocampal Electroencephalogram Correlates of Open Field Behavior in the Rat: Support for a Sensorimotor Function of
- Bimodal Locomotion Elicited by Electrical Stimulation of the Midbrain in the Salamander Notophthalmus viridescens
- Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Genotype and Dopamine Regulation in the Human Brain
- Cell Cycle Regulators in the Neuronal Death Pathway of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Caused by Mutant Superoxide Dismutase 1
- Coarticulation in Fluent Fingerspelling
- Coexistence of Excitatory and Inhibitory GABA Synapses in the Cerebellar Interneuron Network
- Decoding Spike Trains Instant by Instant Using Order Statistics and the Mixture-of-Poissons Model
- Direct cAMP Signaling through G-Protein-Coupled Receptors Mediates Growth Cone Attraction Induced by Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptid
- Estrogen Stimulates Postsynaptic Density-95 Rapid Protein Synthesis via the Akt/Protein Kinase B Pathway
- Neprilysin Gene Transfer Reduces Human Amyloid Pathology in Transgenic Mice
- Neuronal Glutamate Uptake Contributes to GABA Synthesis and Inhibitory Synaptic Strength
- Neurotrophin-Regulated Sorting of Opioid Receptors in the Biosynthetic Pathway of Neurosecretory Cells
- fig.ommttedization of the Axon Initial Segment by Isoform-Specific Sodium Channel Targeting
- Novel Isoforms of Dlg Are Fundamental for Neuronal Development in Drosophila
- Overexpression of Bcl-2 Reduces Sex Differences in Neuron Number in the Brain and Spinal Cord
- Overlapping Microarray Profiles of Dentate Gyrus Gene Expression during Development- and Epilepsy-Associated Neurogenesis and Axon Outgrowth
- Patterned Sensory Stimulation Induces Plasticity in Reciprocal Ia Inhibition in Humans
- Phospholemman, a Single-Span Membrane Protein, Is an Accessory Protein of Na,K-ATPase in Cerebellum and Choroid Plexus
- Proteolipid Protein Gene Mutation Induces Altered Ventilatory Response to Hypoxia in the Myelin-Deficient Rat
- Glutamate Promotes Proliferation of Striatal Neuronal Progenitors by an NMDA Receptor-Mediated Mechanism
- Glutamate Receptor 2 Subunit in Activity-Dependent Heterologous Synaptic Competition
- Heat Shock Protein 70 Chaperone Overexpression Ameliorates Phenotypes of the Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy Transgenic Mouse Model by Reducing Nuc
- In Vivo Imaging of Reactive Oxygen Species Specifically Associated with Thioflavine S-Positive Amyloid Plaques by Multiphoton Microscopy
- Ischemic Insults Derepress the Gene Silencer REST in Neurons Destined to Die
- Kv3 Potassium Conductance is Necessary and Kinetically Optimized for High-Frequency Action Potential Generation in Hippocampal Interneurons
- Mammalian BarH1 Confers Commissural Neuron Identity on Dorsal Cells in the Spinal Cord
- Reduced Inhibition of Dentate Granule Cells in a Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- Regulation of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase by Cannabinoids in Hippocampus
- fig.ommtted Regulate the Subcellular Distribution of Phosphorylated Akt in Hippocampal CA1 Dendrites
- fig.ommttedization of the Axon Initial Segment by Isoform-Specific Sodium Channel Targeting
- GABAB Receptors Inhibit Dendrodendritic Transmission in the Rat Olfactory Bulb
- GABAergic Control of Action Potential Propagation along Axonal Branches of Mammalian Sensory Neurons
- Genetic Mapping of Variation in Spatial Learning in the Mouse
- Responses of Neurons in the Middle Temporal Visual Area After Long-Standing Lesions of the Primary Visual Cortex in Adult New World Monkeys
- A Fast-Conducting, Stochastic Integrative Mode for Neocortical Neurons In Vivo
- A Noninvasive Genetic/Pharmacologic Strategy for Visualizing Cell Morphology and Clonal Relationships in the Mouse
- Cooperation between Area 17 Neuron Pairs Enhances Fine Discrimination of Orientation
- Macrophage-Derived Factors Stimulate Optic Nerve Regeneration
- Mammalian BarH1 Confers Commissural Neuron Identity on Dorsal Cells in the Spinal Cord