- Age does not influence muscle fiber length adaptation to increased excursion
- Bronchial edema alters 99mTc-DTPA clearance from the airway surface in sheep
- Biomechanical response to acupuncture needling in humans
- Differences between inhaled and intravenous bronchial challenge to detect O3-induced hyperresponsiveness
- Changes in microvascular fluid filtration capacity during 120 days of 6° head-down tilt
- Cervical spinal cord injury alters the pattern of breathing in anesthetized rats
- Effect of epinephrine on net lactate uptake by contracting skeletal muscle
- Effect of aging on fatigue characteristics of elbow flexor muscles during sustained submaximal contraction
- Dynamic cerebral autoregulation is preserved in neurally mediated syncope
- Electro-hydrodynamic atomization of drug solutions for inhalation purposes
- Genome and Hormones: Gender Differences in Physiology
- Effect of estrogen on flow-induced dilation in NO deficiency: role of prostaglandins and EDHF
- Flowmetric comparison of respiratory inductance plethysmography and pneumotachography in horses
- Extravascular lung water in the exercising horse
- Erythropoiesis in women during 11 days at 4,300 m is not affected by menstrual cycle phase
- Increasing activity of H2-metabolizing microbes lowers decompression sickness risk in pigs during H2 dives
- Genome and Hormones: Gender Differences in Physiology
- Gender influences coronary L-type Ca2+ current and adaptation to exercise training in miniature swine
- Inspired CO2 and O2 in sleeping infants rebreathing from bedding: relevance for sudden infant death syndrome
- Inhibitory effects of voluntary wheel exercise on apoptosis in splenic lymphocyte subsets of C57BL/6 mice
- Influence of isometric exercise on blood flow and sweating in glabrous and nonglabrous human skin
- Long-term facilitation in obstructive sleep apnea patients during NREM sleep
- Left ventricular wave speed
- Integrated analysis of protein and glucose metabolism during surgery: effects of anesthesia
- Myosin cross bridges in skeletal muscles: "rower" molecular motors
- Multiple mechanisms of reflex bronchospasm in guinea pigs
- Methacholine versus histamine: paradoxical response of spirometry and ventilation distribution
- Reduced submaximal leg blood flow after high-intensity aerobic training
- Overexpression of TGF- increases lung tissue hysteresivity in transgenic mice
- NO inhalation reduces pulmonary arterial pressure but not hemorrhage in maximally exercising horses
- Serotonin elicits long-lasting enhancement of rhythmic respiratory activity in turtle brain stems in vitro
- Genome and Hormones: Gender Differences in Physiology
- Regulation of the nitric oxide synthase-nitric oxide- cGMP pathway in rat mesenteric endothelial cells
- Skeletal muscle intracellular PO2 assessed by myoglobin desaturation: response to graded exercise
- Sex differences in the fatigability of arm muscles depends on absolute force during isometric contractions
- Serotonin2 receptors mediate respiratory recovery after cervical spinal cord hemisection in adult rats
- Time course of myocardial sodium accumulation after burn trauma: a 31P- and 23Na-NMR study
- Testosterone-induced relaxation of rat aorta is androgen structure specific and involves K+ channel activation
- Supine position decreases the ability of the nose to warm and humidify air
- Vascular adaptation to microgravity: what have we learned?
- Genome and Hormones: Gender Differences in Physiology
- Activation of human quadriceps femoris during isometric, concentric, and eccentric contractions
- A model of sleep-disordered breathing in the C57BL/6J mouse
- Androgen-receptor defect abolishes sex differences in nitric oxide and reactivity to vasopressin in rat aorta
- Airway response to deep inspiration: role of inflation pressure
- Bronchoprotective and bronchodilatory effects of deep inspiration in rabbits subjected to bronchial challenge
- Genome and Hormones: Gender Differences in Physiology
- Gender differences in autonomic cardiovascular regulation: spectral, hormonal, and hemodynamic indexes
- From Belfast to Mayo and beyond: the use and future of plethysmography to study blood flow in human limbs