The fifth international diabetes mellitus (IDF) congress of the Western Pacific area that closed the day before yesterday stressed integration of prevention and treatment for the control of diabetes.
Professor Qian Rongli of the first hospital of Peking University, chairman of the congress recommended that the chief subject of this meeting was advocating a healthy life style, for the prevention and control of the incidence of diabetes mellitus; for those already suffering from diabetes mellitus, measures should be taken to avoid as much as possible the occurrence of complications.
Under the IDF there are 7 departments, the Western Pacific Region is the one having the largest population among the 7 departments, consisting altogether of 18 member societies. Since 1991, the Western Pacific area holds its own conference in every 3 years at different countries or districts; the prior 4 congresses were held respectively in Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong and Sydney. Approximately 2000 physicians devoted to the treatment of diabetes, nurses, educators and patients joined this conference.
Nearly 19 special subjects were covered by the contents of the papers in this conference, consisted of the basic research, clinical treatment and the education programs and prevention of diabetes mellitus. An in depth and a comprehensive discussion were proceeded in the conference. Many internationally well known endocrinologists and specialists of diabetes mellitus were invited to deliver frontier presentations. Board of directors of Western Pacific area IDF was held during the conference and signed the "Beijing Declaration of Western Pacific Region IDF".
( for our reader's notice: detailed information will appear in "conference news flash" on June 20th