Genomic Comparison of cag Pathogenicity Island (PAI)-Positive and -Negative Helicobacter pylori Strains: Identification of Novel Markers for
感染与免疫杂志 2005年第6期
The College of William and Mary, Department of Biology, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Departments of Medicine and Microbiology and Immunology, Nashville, Tennessee 37232-2279
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, and Department of Cancer Biology, Nashville, Tennessee 37232-2279
Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee 37212
In an analysis of Helicobacter pylori genomic DNA by macroarray methodology, genomic DNA from a panel of cag pathogenicity island (PAI)-negative H. pylori clinical isolates failed to hybridize with 27 genes located outside the cag PAI in a cag PAI-positive reference strain. PCR analyses confirmed that HP0217 (encoding a lipopolysaccharide biosynthetic protein) and HP1079 (encoding a protein of unknown function) were present significantly more frequently in cagA-positive strains than in cagA-negative strains. A low G+C content of these two genes suggests they were acquired by horizontal transfer events.
Helicobacter pylori is recognized as the major etiologic agent of peptic ulcer disease and gastric neoplasia (5, 6). This gram-negative microaerophile exhibits tremendous genetic diversity (9, 10) due to a combination of factors, including the organism's high mutation rate (2, 15), its natural competence for uptake of foreign DNA (4, 8), its ability to undergo frequent homologous recombination (12, 13), its evolution in geographically restricted environments (16), and an ancient evolutionary history (7). One potential consequence of this genetic diversity may be variation in disease outcome among infected individuals.
A major genetic determinant of H. pylori virulence is the cag pathogenicity island (cag PAI) (3, 5, 10), a 40-kb region of chromosomal DNA that is present in some H. pylori strains but absent from others. The cag PAI encodes a type IV secretion system and an immunodominant antigen, CagA, which is translocated into gastric epithelial cells. In comparison to infection with cag PAI-negative H. pylori strains, infection with cag PAI-positive strains is associated with an increased severity of gastric mucosal inflammation, an increased risk for development of peptic ulceration, and an increased risk of gastric cancer (3).
The complete genomes of two cag PAI-positive strains of H. pylori (26695 and J99) have been sequenced (1, 14). Despite similarity at two major disease-associated loci (both are cag PAI positive and contain type s1 vacA alleles), strain 26695 (14) contains 110 open reading frames (ORFs) not found in strain J99 (1) and strain J99 contains 52 genes that are not found in strain 26695. In a comprehensive examination of H. pylori genetic diversity, Salama et al. (11) identified 362 H. pylori genes that were each absent in at least one of 15 strains examined and suggested that the core genome of H. pylori consists of approximately 1,300 genes. These data suggest that insertion and deletion of sequences occur commonly in H. pylori. We hypothesized that there may be differential retention of specific genetic elements that are advantageous for cag PAI-positive organisms in an inflammatory gastric mucosal environment or deletion of genetic elements that are disadvantageous for cag PAI-negative organisms. Thus, in the current study, we sought to identify genes that are present more frequently in cag PAI-positive strains than in cag PAI-negative strains.
To identify such genes, we selected five H. pylori isolates that were genetically characterized as cagA negative and vacA s2/m2 for use in DNA macroarray analyses. (Detailed strain information is available upon request.) These are genotypic markers for H. pylori strains that are associated with a low risk for the development of clinical disease. At the time of endoscopy, each of the five source patients was diagnosed with gastritis only, and none of these patients had a prior history of peptic ulcer disease.
Our analyses utilized DNA macroarrays (Sigma-Genosys) containing 1,681 known H. pylori ORFs found in the genomes of two cag PAI-positive sequenced strains of H. pylori. Arrays were individually hybridized with 33P-labeled genomic DNA from the five cagA-negative isolates and DNA from a cag PAI-positive sequenced strain (26695) as a control. H. pylori genomic DNA was labeled with 33P using random-primed DNA labeling (Promega) and [-33P]dCTP (Perkin-Elmer). Arrays were imaged using a Storm 840 PhosphorImager (Molecular Dynamics) and signals quantified using ArrayVision (Imaging Research, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada). Background hybridization was quantified based on analysis of 45 macroarray features on which no DNA was arrayed. The mean background value was subtracted from values for all other array features. Data from individual arrays were normalized by expressing the value from each array feature as a percentage of the total signal for the entire macroarray.
To identify genes absent from the five cagA-negative query strains, we compared the array results obtained with DNA from cagA-negative strains with the array results obtained with DNA from the cag PAI-positive reference strain. For each array feature, a ratio was calculated by dividing the normalized signal intensity for a cagA-negative strain by the corresponding normalized signal intensity value obtained with the H. pylori cag PAI-positive reference strain 26695. Genes whose features yielded ratios of 0.2 were considered absent in the tested cagA-negative clinical isolate.
DNA from each of the five cagA-negative clinical isolates failed to hybridize with multiple array features (mean, 109 features; range, 61 to 180), including genes comprising the cag PAI (data not shown). All five cagA-negative strains failed to hybridize with 27 genes located outside the cag PAI in the chromosome of the H. pylori 26695 reference strain (Table 1). Nine of these 27 genes (HP0433 to HP0461) have been mapped to a region of the H. pylori chromosome known as the plasticity zone, a 44-kb region that is enriched in strain-specific H. pylori genes (1). Three of the 27 genes encode products that are predicted to be involved in DNA restriction/modification, five are involved in DNA transposition, 15 encode H. pylori-specific proteins of unknown function, and four encode proteins with various other predicted functions (Table 1).
We next used PCR-based assays to test for the presence or absence of three of these genes (HP0217, HP1079, and HP1578) in a set of 18 cagA-positive and 14 cagA-negative H. pylori clinical isolates (independent of the five cag-PAI negative strains utilized in the initial DNA macroarray studies described above) (Table 2). All 18 cagA-positive strains selected for study contained a type s1 vacA allele, and all 14 cagA-negative H. pylori isolates contained a type s2/m2 vacA allele. Among the three genes selected for analysis by PCR, two (HP0217 and HP1578) are predicted to be involved in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis, and one (HP1079) encodes an H. pylori-specific product of unknown function.
To investigate the presence or absence of HP0217 in this group of 32 H. pylori strains, we designed sets of primers for PCR amplification of HP0217 and two flanking genes (HP0216 and HP0218). (All primer sequences are available upon request.) PCR analyses indicated that both flanking genes were present in all 32 H. pylori strains examined, regardless of cagA status (Table 2). In contrast, HP0217 sequences were amplified from only 53% (17 of 32) of strains. HP0217 sequences were successfully amplified from 89% (16 of 18) of cagA-positive strains but from only one (7%) of the 14 cagA-negative isolates examined (P < 0.001) (Table 2).
We also performed a second PCR analysis, using primers designed to anneal within the conserved HP0216 and HP0218 genes (Fig. 1A). This empty-site PCR analysis was predicted to yield a 1.5-kb amplicon if HP0217 was present and a 0.5-kb amplicon if HP0217 was absent. Most (14/18) of the cagA-positive strains yielded a 1.5-kb amplicon. Thirteen of the 14 cagA-negative strains yielded a 0.5-kb amplicon, and one (strain 92-24) yielded a 1.5-kb amplicon (Fig. 1B). Sequence analysis of the 555-bp amplicon from a representative cagA-negative strain (H. pylori 92-28) confirmed the absence of any portion of HP0217 and revealed the presence of a 180-bp segment (GenBank accession no. AY529682) that had no significant homology to sequences in either of the sequenced strains of H. pylori, 26695 or J99. Thus, two different PCR assays indicated that HP0217 is found in cagA-positive H. pylori strains significantly more frequently than in cagA-negative H. pylori strains (P < 0.001).
The gene product of HP0217 is predicted to play a role in LPS biosynthesis and is predicted to undergo phase variation based on the presence of two poly-G tracts within the 5' portion of the gene (Fig. 1A). These poly-G tracts may be substrates for slipped-strand mispairing events, leading to frameshift mutations. Based on the demonstrated differential distribution of HP0217 in cag PAI-positive and cag PAI-negative strains of H. pylori, we hypothesize that there may be differences in LPS oligosaccharides of cagA-positive and cagA-negative strains. In fact, it has been reported that cagA-positive strains of H. pylori express greater amounts of LPS-associated Lewis antigens on their surface than do cagA-negative strains (17).
We analyzed the presence or absence of HP1079 in the collection of 32 H. pylori clinical isolates using methodology similar to that described for HP0217. HP1080 and HP1077 sequences were amplified from nearly all strains tested (Table 2). HP1079 sequences were amplified from 13 of 18 (72%) cagA-positive strains but from only 3 of 14 (21%) cagA-negative strains examined (P < 0.05) (Table 2). In an HP1080 to HP1077 empty-site PCR analysis (primer sequences available upon request), 14 (78%) of the 18 cag PAI-positive strains yielded a 2.4-kb amplicon, indicating the presence of orthologs of HP1079 and HP1078 in these 14 cagA-positive strains. One (5.5%) of the 18 cagA-positive strains yielded a small 500-bp amplicon in this empty-site PCR analysis, suggesting the absence of orthologs of HP1079 and HP1078 in this strain, and no product was amplified from three of the cagA-positive strains. Thirteen of 14 (93%) of the cagA-negative strains yielded a small 500-bp amplicon, suggesting the absence of HP1079/HP1078 orthologs in these 13 strains. The sequence of this amplicon from a representative cagA-negative H. pylori strain (92-28) confirmed the absence of any coding sequence in the region between HP1077 and HP1080 (GenBank accession no. AY529680). One cagA-negative strain that yielded a 2.5-kb amplicon in this assay was demonstrated to possess HP1079, based on PCR analysis using HP1079 gene-specific primers. Two cag PAI-negative strains (87-75 and J195) yielded 0.5-kb amplicons in the empty-site PCR analysis but were demonstrated to contain HP1079 based on the PCR using HP1079 gene-specific primers. Potentially these two strains possess HP1079 at another site in the genome. In summary, based on the results of two different PCR assays, HP1079 sequences were detected significantly more commonly in cagA-positive H. pylori strains than in cagA-negative strains.
HP1578 was found to be a relatively rare gene in H. pylori. It was amplified from only 4 of 32 clinical isolates, each of which was also cag PAI positive. The difference in prevalence of HP1578 in cagA-positive and cagA-negative isolates was not statistically significant (Table 2).
One potential explanation for the presence of genes in some H. pylori strains and not in others is that these genes may have been acquired via horizontal transfer events. While the overall reported G+C content for both sequenced H. pylori strains is 39% (1, 14), the G+C content of HP1079 is only 29.6%. The G+C contents of the conserved genes flanking the HP1079 locus are 37.7% and 39.8%, respectively. Similarly, the G+C content of HP0217 is relatively low (33.9%), whereas the G+C contents of the two ORFs upstream of HP0217 and the two ORFs downstream of HP0217 are 42.9% and 40.4%, respectively. The low G+C content of HP1079 and HP0217 suggests that these genes were acquired via horizontal transfer events.
The results of this study may be compared and contrasted with a H. pylori genomic analysis published previously by Salama et al. (11). Salama et al. used microarrays to analyze the genomic content of 15 H. pylori strains (11 cagA positive and 4 cagA negative) and identified 10 genes located outside of the cag PAI that were present significantly more frequently in cagA-positive strains than in cagA-negative strains. It was suggested that these genes may encode undescribed virulence factors. Notably, the two genes characterized in detail in the current study (HP0217 and HP1079) were not noted to covary with the cag PAI in the study by Salama et al. In both the current study (Table 1) and that of Salama et al., HP0260 (encoding a restriction enzyme) was found more frequently in cagA-positive strains than in cagA-negative strains. Genes such as HP0217, HP0053, HP0336, HP1142, and HP1578 were found infrequently in cagA-negative isolates of H. pylori in both studies but were not previously denoted as covarying with the cag PAI because of the absence of these genes in some cag PAI-positive isolates. Two of the cag PAI-covarying genes identified by Salama et al., HP1243 (babA) and HP1417, were absent in four of the five cag PAI-negative clinical isolates analyzed by macroarray analysis in the current study (data not shown). Although based on similar DNA array methodology, our study differed from that of Salama et al. (11) by utilizing exclusively cag PAI-negative H. pylori isolates with a type s2/m2 vacA genotype that were isolated from patients with superficial gastritis only. Therefore, some of the differences among the lists of cag PAI-covarying genes generated in these two studies are potentially attributable to differences in the clinical status of source patients or differences in the characteristics of strains selected for study. The results of the current study extend our understanding of genes existing in linkage disequilibrium with the cag PAI. Furthermore, several genes identified here may represent useful markers for the identification of virulent strains or may represent novel virulence factors.
H. pylori is a panmictic species (12, 13), and it has been suggested that cag PAI-positive H. pylori isolates are no more closely related to one another than they are to strains that lack this PAI (11). In light of the recombinatorial structure of the H. pylori genome, it is striking that there appears to be a selective pressure for H. pylori strains possessing the cag PAI to retain multiple strain-specific genes (e.g., HP0217 and HP1079) located elsewhere in the chromosome. Alternatively, there might be selective pressure on H. pylori strains lacking the cag PAI to delete these genes. In fact, both pressures may act simultaneously. We speculate that the severe mucosal inflammation associated with cag PAI-positive strains may represent one important environmental variable that serves as a powerful selective force.
This work was supported by grants from the Thomas F. and Kate Miller Jeffress Memorial Trust (J-602), the Commonwealth Health Research Board (12-2004) to M.H.F., as well as The National Institutes of Health (AI53062 to M.H.F., DK58587 and CA77955 to R.M.P., Jr., and DK53623 to T.L.C.) and the Medical Research Service of the Department of Veterans Affairs (T.L.C.). This research was supported in part by a Howard Hughes Medical Institute grant through the Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program to the College of William & Mary.
Present address: University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA 22908.
Present address: Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA 19107.
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16. Wirth, T., X. Wang, B. Linz, R. P. Novick, J. K. Lum, M. J. Blaser, G. Morelli, D. Falush, and M. Achtman. 2004. Distinguishing human ethnic groups by means of sequences from Helicobacter pylori: lessons from Ladakh. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101:4746-4751.
17. Wirth, H. P., M. Yang, M. Karita, and M. J. Blaser. 1996. Expression of the human cell surface glycoconjugates Lewis X and Lewis Y by Helicobacter pylori isolates is related to cagA status. Infect. Immun. 64:4598-4605.(Courtney E. Terry, Lisa M)
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Departments of Medicine and Microbiology and Immunology, Nashville, Tennessee 37232-2279
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, and Department of Cancer Biology, Nashville, Tennessee 37232-2279
Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee 37212
In an analysis of Helicobacter pylori genomic DNA by macroarray methodology, genomic DNA from a panel of cag pathogenicity island (PAI)-negative H. pylori clinical isolates failed to hybridize with 27 genes located outside the cag PAI in a cag PAI-positive reference strain. PCR analyses confirmed that HP0217 (encoding a lipopolysaccharide biosynthetic protein) and HP1079 (encoding a protein of unknown function) were present significantly more frequently in cagA-positive strains than in cagA-negative strains. A low G+C content of these two genes suggests they were acquired by horizontal transfer events.
Helicobacter pylori is recognized as the major etiologic agent of peptic ulcer disease and gastric neoplasia (5, 6). This gram-negative microaerophile exhibits tremendous genetic diversity (9, 10) due to a combination of factors, including the organism's high mutation rate (2, 15), its natural competence for uptake of foreign DNA (4, 8), its ability to undergo frequent homologous recombination (12, 13), its evolution in geographically restricted environments (16), and an ancient evolutionary history (7). One potential consequence of this genetic diversity may be variation in disease outcome among infected individuals.
A major genetic determinant of H. pylori virulence is the cag pathogenicity island (cag PAI) (3, 5, 10), a 40-kb region of chromosomal DNA that is present in some H. pylori strains but absent from others. The cag PAI encodes a type IV secretion system and an immunodominant antigen, CagA, which is translocated into gastric epithelial cells. In comparison to infection with cag PAI-negative H. pylori strains, infection with cag PAI-positive strains is associated with an increased severity of gastric mucosal inflammation, an increased risk for development of peptic ulceration, and an increased risk of gastric cancer (3).
The complete genomes of two cag PAI-positive strains of H. pylori (26695 and J99) have been sequenced (1, 14). Despite similarity at two major disease-associated loci (both are cag PAI positive and contain type s1 vacA alleles), strain 26695 (14) contains 110 open reading frames (ORFs) not found in strain J99 (1) and strain J99 contains 52 genes that are not found in strain 26695. In a comprehensive examination of H. pylori genetic diversity, Salama et al. (11) identified 362 H. pylori genes that were each absent in at least one of 15 strains examined and suggested that the core genome of H. pylori consists of approximately 1,300 genes. These data suggest that insertion and deletion of sequences occur commonly in H. pylori. We hypothesized that there may be differential retention of specific genetic elements that are advantageous for cag PAI-positive organisms in an inflammatory gastric mucosal environment or deletion of genetic elements that are disadvantageous for cag PAI-negative organisms. Thus, in the current study, we sought to identify genes that are present more frequently in cag PAI-positive strains than in cag PAI-negative strains.
To identify such genes, we selected five H. pylori isolates that were genetically characterized as cagA negative and vacA s2/m2 for use in DNA macroarray analyses. (Detailed strain information is available upon request.) These are genotypic markers for H. pylori strains that are associated with a low risk for the development of clinical disease. At the time of endoscopy, each of the five source patients was diagnosed with gastritis only, and none of these patients had a prior history of peptic ulcer disease.
Our analyses utilized DNA macroarrays (Sigma-Genosys) containing 1,681 known H. pylori ORFs found in the genomes of two cag PAI-positive sequenced strains of H. pylori. Arrays were individually hybridized with 33P-labeled genomic DNA from the five cagA-negative isolates and DNA from a cag PAI-positive sequenced strain (26695) as a control. H. pylori genomic DNA was labeled with 33P using random-primed DNA labeling (Promega) and [-33P]dCTP (Perkin-Elmer). Arrays were imaged using a Storm 840 PhosphorImager (Molecular Dynamics) and signals quantified using ArrayVision (Imaging Research, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada). Background hybridization was quantified based on analysis of 45 macroarray features on which no DNA was arrayed. The mean background value was subtracted from values for all other array features. Data from individual arrays were normalized by expressing the value from each array feature as a percentage of the total signal for the entire macroarray.
To identify genes absent from the five cagA-negative query strains, we compared the array results obtained with DNA from cagA-negative strains with the array results obtained with DNA from the cag PAI-positive reference strain. For each array feature, a ratio was calculated by dividing the normalized signal intensity for a cagA-negative strain by the corresponding normalized signal intensity value obtained with the H. pylori cag PAI-positive reference strain 26695. Genes whose features yielded ratios of 0.2 were considered absent in the tested cagA-negative clinical isolate.
DNA from each of the five cagA-negative clinical isolates failed to hybridize with multiple array features (mean, 109 features; range, 61 to 180), including genes comprising the cag PAI (data not shown). All five cagA-negative strains failed to hybridize with 27 genes located outside the cag PAI in the chromosome of the H. pylori 26695 reference strain (Table 1). Nine of these 27 genes (HP0433 to HP0461) have been mapped to a region of the H. pylori chromosome known as the plasticity zone, a 44-kb region that is enriched in strain-specific H. pylori genes (1). Three of the 27 genes encode products that are predicted to be involved in DNA restriction/modification, five are involved in DNA transposition, 15 encode H. pylori-specific proteins of unknown function, and four encode proteins with various other predicted functions (Table 1).
We next used PCR-based assays to test for the presence or absence of three of these genes (HP0217, HP1079, and HP1578) in a set of 18 cagA-positive and 14 cagA-negative H. pylori clinical isolates (independent of the five cag-PAI negative strains utilized in the initial DNA macroarray studies described above) (Table 2). All 18 cagA-positive strains selected for study contained a type s1 vacA allele, and all 14 cagA-negative H. pylori isolates contained a type s2/m2 vacA allele. Among the three genes selected for analysis by PCR, two (HP0217 and HP1578) are predicted to be involved in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis, and one (HP1079) encodes an H. pylori-specific product of unknown function.
To investigate the presence or absence of HP0217 in this group of 32 H. pylori strains, we designed sets of primers for PCR amplification of HP0217 and two flanking genes (HP0216 and HP0218). (All primer sequences are available upon request.) PCR analyses indicated that both flanking genes were present in all 32 H. pylori strains examined, regardless of cagA status (Table 2). In contrast, HP0217 sequences were amplified from only 53% (17 of 32) of strains. HP0217 sequences were successfully amplified from 89% (16 of 18) of cagA-positive strains but from only one (7%) of the 14 cagA-negative isolates examined (P < 0.001) (Table 2).
We also performed a second PCR analysis, using primers designed to anneal within the conserved HP0216 and HP0218 genes (Fig. 1A). This empty-site PCR analysis was predicted to yield a 1.5-kb amplicon if HP0217 was present and a 0.5-kb amplicon if HP0217 was absent. Most (14/18) of the cagA-positive strains yielded a 1.5-kb amplicon. Thirteen of the 14 cagA-negative strains yielded a 0.5-kb amplicon, and one (strain 92-24) yielded a 1.5-kb amplicon (Fig. 1B). Sequence analysis of the 555-bp amplicon from a representative cagA-negative strain (H. pylori 92-28) confirmed the absence of any portion of HP0217 and revealed the presence of a 180-bp segment (GenBank accession no. AY529682) that had no significant homology to sequences in either of the sequenced strains of H. pylori, 26695 or J99. Thus, two different PCR assays indicated that HP0217 is found in cagA-positive H. pylori strains significantly more frequently than in cagA-negative H. pylori strains (P < 0.001).
The gene product of HP0217 is predicted to play a role in LPS biosynthesis and is predicted to undergo phase variation based on the presence of two poly-G tracts within the 5' portion of the gene (Fig. 1A). These poly-G tracts may be substrates for slipped-strand mispairing events, leading to frameshift mutations. Based on the demonstrated differential distribution of HP0217 in cag PAI-positive and cag PAI-negative strains of H. pylori, we hypothesize that there may be differences in LPS oligosaccharides of cagA-positive and cagA-negative strains. In fact, it has been reported that cagA-positive strains of H. pylori express greater amounts of LPS-associated Lewis antigens on their surface than do cagA-negative strains (17).
We analyzed the presence or absence of HP1079 in the collection of 32 H. pylori clinical isolates using methodology similar to that described for HP0217. HP1080 and HP1077 sequences were amplified from nearly all strains tested (Table 2). HP1079 sequences were amplified from 13 of 18 (72%) cagA-positive strains but from only 3 of 14 (21%) cagA-negative strains examined (P < 0.05) (Table 2). In an HP1080 to HP1077 empty-site PCR analysis (primer sequences available upon request), 14 (78%) of the 18 cag PAI-positive strains yielded a 2.4-kb amplicon, indicating the presence of orthologs of HP1079 and HP1078 in these 14 cagA-positive strains. One (5.5%) of the 18 cagA-positive strains yielded a small 500-bp amplicon in this empty-site PCR analysis, suggesting the absence of orthologs of HP1079 and HP1078 in this strain, and no product was amplified from three of the cagA-positive strains. Thirteen of 14 (93%) of the cagA-negative strains yielded a small 500-bp amplicon, suggesting the absence of HP1079/HP1078 orthologs in these 13 strains. The sequence of this amplicon from a representative cagA-negative H. pylori strain (92-28) confirmed the absence of any coding sequence in the region between HP1077 and HP1080 (GenBank accession no. AY529680). One cagA-negative strain that yielded a 2.5-kb amplicon in this assay was demonstrated to possess HP1079, based on PCR analysis using HP1079 gene-specific primers. Two cag PAI-negative strains (87-75 and J195) yielded 0.5-kb amplicons in the empty-site PCR analysis but were demonstrated to contain HP1079 based on the PCR using HP1079 gene-specific primers. Potentially these two strains possess HP1079 at another site in the genome. In summary, based on the results of two different PCR assays, HP1079 sequences were detected significantly more commonly in cagA-positive H. pylori strains than in cagA-negative strains.
HP1578 was found to be a relatively rare gene in H. pylori. It was amplified from only 4 of 32 clinical isolates, each of which was also cag PAI positive. The difference in prevalence of HP1578 in cagA-positive and cagA-negative isolates was not statistically significant (Table 2).
One potential explanation for the presence of genes in some H. pylori strains and not in others is that these genes may have been acquired via horizontal transfer events. While the overall reported G+C content for both sequenced H. pylori strains is 39% (1, 14), the G+C content of HP1079 is only 29.6%. The G+C contents of the conserved genes flanking the HP1079 locus are 37.7% and 39.8%, respectively. Similarly, the G+C content of HP0217 is relatively low (33.9%), whereas the G+C contents of the two ORFs upstream of HP0217 and the two ORFs downstream of HP0217 are 42.9% and 40.4%, respectively. The low G+C content of HP1079 and HP0217 suggests that these genes were acquired via horizontal transfer events.
The results of this study may be compared and contrasted with a H. pylori genomic analysis published previously by Salama et al. (11). Salama et al. used microarrays to analyze the genomic content of 15 H. pylori strains (11 cagA positive and 4 cagA negative) and identified 10 genes located outside of the cag PAI that were present significantly more frequently in cagA-positive strains than in cagA-negative strains. It was suggested that these genes may encode undescribed virulence factors. Notably, the two genes characterized in detail in the current study (HP0217 and HP1079) were not noted to covary with the cag PAI in the study by Salama et al. In both the current study (Table 1) and that of Salama et al., HP0260 (encoding a restriction enzyme) was found more frequently in cagA-positive strains than in cagA-negative strains. Genes such as HP0217, HP0053, HP0336, HP1142, and HP1578 were found infrequently in cagA-negative isolates of H. pylori in both studies but were not previously denoted as covarying with the cag PAI because of the absence of these genes in some cag PAI-positive isolates. Two of the cag PAI-covarying genes identified by Salama et al., HP1243 (babA) and HP1417, were absent in four of the five cag PAI-negative clinical isolates analyzed by macroarray analysis in the current study (data not shown). Although based on similar DNA array methodology, our study differed from that of Salama et al. (11) by utilizing exclusively cag PAI-negative H. pylori isolates with a type s2/m2 vacA genotype that were isolated from patients with superficial gastritis only. Therefore, some of the differences among the lists of cag PAI-covarying genes generated in these two studies are potentially attributable to differences in the clinical status of source patients or differences in the characteristics of strains selected for study. The results of the current study extend our understanding of genes existing in linkage disequilibrium with the cag PAI. Furthermore, several genes identified here may represent useful markers for the identification of virulent strains or may represent novel virulence factors.
H. pylori is a panmictic species (12, 13), and it has been suggested that cag PAI-positive H. pylori isolates are no more closely related to one another than they are to strains that lack this PAI (11). In light of the recombinatorial structure of the H. pylori genome, it is striking that there appears to be a selective pressure for H. pylori strains possessing the cag PAI to retain multiple strain-specific genes (e.g., HP0217 and HP1079) located elsewhere in the chromosome. Alternatively, there might be selective pressure on H. pylori strains lacking the cag PAI to delete these genes. In fact, both pressures may act simultaneously. We speculate that the severe mucosal inflammation associated with cag PAI-positive strains may represent one important environmental variable that serves as a powerful selective force.
This work was supported by grants from the Thomas F. and Kate Miller Jeffress Memorial Trust (J-602), the Commonwealth Health Research Board (12-2004) to M.H.F., as well as The National Institutes of Health (AI53062 to M.H.F., DK58587 and CA77955 to R.M.P., Jr., and DK53623 to T.L.C.) and the Medical Research Service of the Department of Veterans Affairs (T.L.C.). This research was supported in part by a Howard Hughes Medical Institute grant through the Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program to the College of William & Mary.
Present address: University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA 22908.
Present address: Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA 19107.
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