Review of Christian Science on Trial
To the Editor: In our review of the book Christian Science on Trial (Dec. 25 issue),1 we inadvertently misrepresented the views of physicians Larry Dossey and Andrew Weil. We made the following statement: "If the materialism of modern medicine tends to neglect the soul in order to cure the body, the spiritualized alternative medicine proposed by modern physicians such as Andrew Weil and Larry Dossey may, like the Scientists, neglect the body to cure the soul." We withdraw our comment and regret any inconvenience it may have caused Drs. Dossey and Weil.
Daniel E. Hall, M.D.
Harold G. Koenig, M.D.
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710
Hall DE, Koenig HG. Review of: Christian Science on Trial: Religious Healing in America. N Engl J Med 2003;349:2574-2575.
Daniel E. Hall, M.D.
Harold G. Koenig, M.D.
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710
Hall DE, Koenig HG. Review of: Christian Science on Trial: Religious Healing in America. N Engl J Med 2003;349:2574-2575.