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当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《英国医生杂志》 > 2004年第1期 > 正文
Leading scientist threatens to resign over honours debacle
http://www.100md.com 《英国医生杂志》


    In a row over the honours list, the UK government has moved to confirm its support for researchers involved in animal experiments, after Colin Blakemore, the head of the Medical Research Council (MRC), threatened to resign.

    Professor Blakemore said his position had become untenable after the disclosure in leaked government documents that he was denied an honour because of his high profile connections with animal experimentation.

    "My main concern is that the mission statement of the MRC includes a specific commitment to engagement with the public on issues relating to medical research. I made it clear when I was appointed that I took this to be a particularly important area of MRC work to be strengthened," he told the BMJ.

    "I was about to send a letter to all MRC scientists asking them to involve themselves more in public activity, but how can I do that when the government sends out the message that to do so reduces your reputation in the eye of government?

    "It is paradoxical when you engage in robust dialogue and at the same time the honours process suggests that by doing so you damage your reputation and are too controversial. It is outrageous. I felt my position was compromised. A very clear unequivocal clarification is needed; not only the affirmation of the commitment to the importance of animal research, but also to the commitment to scientists who speak out and engage with the public on controversial issues."

    Reports based on the leaked documents have claimed that honours for leading scientists involved in animal experiments or in research on genetically modified crops have been blocked because of the influence of the Prince of Wales. Those claims have been denied by spokesmen for the prince. A government inquiry has now been launched to track down whoever leaked the documents.

    At the height of the controversy, Professor Blakemore, who was a target of animal activists for many years, was contacted by phone and letter by Lord Sainsbury, minister for science.

    "That goes a long way to reassuring me. I now want to think about my position over the holiday period. I hope that after the break I will have enough clear public evidence of the government's position to write to MRC scientists and encourage them to pitch in and defend science," said Professor Blakemore.

    Lord Sainsbury said, "It is well known that the government believes it is necessary to do animal experiments within the tough regulatory regime we have in this country. Many major medical advances would not have happened without animal testing.

    "The recently reported comments on the controversial nature of Professor Colin Blakemore's research in a committee considering the award of honours is in no way a reflection of government policy.

    "The appointment of Professor Colin Blakemore as chief executive of the Medical Research Council also reflects the great respect for his scientific work held both by the government and by the research community."

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