In brief
Salt can increase cancer risk: Eating highly salted food can double a person's risk of stomach cancer, from 1:1000 to 1:500, says an online report due to be published next week in the British Journal of Cancer ( The study looked at 40 000 Japanese men over an 11 year period and took account of smoking and drinking habits as well as diet.
FDA bans ephedra: The US Food and Drug Administration has declared a total ban on sales of dietary supplements that contain ephedra, to come into force early in 2004. 155 deaths and over 16 000 adverse effects have been associated with the herb, which contains amphetamine and is popular as an aid to weight loss. It is the first time the FDA has banned a dietary supplement since the 1994 Dietary Health and Supplement Act released herbs and supplements from FDA jurisdiction (see
Psychiatrists in short supply: Patients at Buckinghamshire Mental Health Trust are receiving poor continuity of care because of a shortage of psychiatrists and lack of leadership, says the Commission for Health Improvement. Recruitment and retention are both problems, it says. See
Ireland stalls on smoking ban: The Republic of Ireland has delayed implementing its ban on smoking in the workplace, including all pubs and restaurants, scheduled to come into effect on 1 January. The Department of Health has yet to confirm a date, but the ban is expected to be introduced in March, after the expiry of a mandatory EU review period.
US tops teenage obesity scale: A study of adolescents in 15 countries shows that those in the United States have the highest prevalence of overweight ( Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 2004;158: 27-33, Over 15% of 15 year old girls were overweight. But among 13 year olds, Ireland, France, and Greece also had a high prevalence. See
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Psychiatrists in short supply: Patients at Buckinghamshire Mental Health Trust are receiving poor continuity of care because of a shortage of psychiatrists and lack of leadership, says the Commission for Health Improvement. Recruitment and retention are both problems, it says. See
Ireland stalls on smoking ban: The Republic of Ireland has delayed implementing its ban on smoking in the workplace, including all pubs and restaurants, scheduled to come into effect on 1 January. The Department of Health has yet to confirm a date, but the ban is expected to be introduced in March, after the expiry of a mandatory EU review period.
US tops teenage obesity scale: A study of adolescents in 15 countries shows that those in the United States have the highest prevalence of overweight ( Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 2004;158: 27-33, Over 15% of 15 year old girls were overweight. But among 13 year olds, Ireland, France, and Greece also had a high prevalence. See