Multiple Pulmonary Bacterial Abscesses
A 21-year-old woman with human immunodeficiency virus infection and a CD4 count of 400 cells per cubic millimeter who was not receiving antiretroviral therapy presented with a 1-week history of fever, chest pain, and hemoptysis. She reported having used illicit intravenous drugs in the past. Physical examination revealed a 3/6 pansystolic murmur over the cardiac apex and the left lower sternal border and coarse rhonchi in bilateral lung fields. A chest radiograph revealed bilateral multiple cavitary lesions with air–liquid levels (Panel A). Computed tomography confirmed the presence of several rounded, radiolucent lesions with air–liquid levels and well-defined margins — findings that were consistent with the presence of multiple pulmonary abscesses (Panel B). Echocardiography showed a fluttering vegetation, 0.8 by 2.2 cm, on the tricuspid valve, with moderate tricuspid regurgitation. Blood cultures yielded methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus. Septic thrombophlebitis and right-sided endocarditis are important causes of multiple pulmonary bacterial abscesses. The patient was treated with intravenous oxacillin for 6 weeks. At the 3-month follow-up visit, she was doing well, and chest radiography showed that the lung abscesses had resolved.
Ju-Yi Chen, M.D.
Yi-Heng Li, M.D., Ph.D.
National Cheng Kung University Medical Center
Tainan 70428, Taiwan
濞e洠鍓濇导鍛閸涱剛杩旈柛娆忓€介埀顒€鍠涚槐婵囩▔瀹ュ棛鈧垶骞嬮幇顏呭床濞达絾娲戠粻锝咁嚈妤︽鍞撮柕鍡曠劍鐢綊鎳¢幇顓炵仐闁圭ǹ娲ょ槐鈺呭Υ閸屾稒鐎紒鏃傚Х婢ф寮堕崘銊ф剑濞存粌楠哥敮顐︽媼濡炲墽绋婇柡澶婂暕濮瑰鏁嶅畝鍐仧闁诡喓鍔忛缁樼▔閻戞﹩鍔冮柡鍌氭矗缁楀鈧绮忛~锕傚绩鐠鸿櫣绉垮〒姘☉閵囧洨鈧娉涢崢銈囨嫻瑜版帗顫夐悹鍥︾串缁辨繄鎷犻悜钘変粡濞寸姾鍩栭崹銊╂偨娴e啰妯堥梺顐f皑閻擄繝骞嬮幋婊勭拨闁挎稑鏈崹婊勭椤掍焦鏆柛鎺嶅嵆閳ь剚姘ㄩ悡锟犲触鎼搭垳绀夊ù鍏兼皑閻濇盯宕¢崘鑼闁诡喓鍔庡▓鎴炴媴濠婂啯鎯傚ù鐘插濠€鎵磾閹寸姷褰查柛鎺斿█濞呭酣濡撮敓锟�Ju-Yi Chen, M.D.
Yi-Heng Li, M.D., Ph.D.
National Cheng Kung University Medical Center
Tainan 70428, Taiwan