閺堢喎鍨�: 瀵邦喕淇婇弬鍥╃彿 閸︺劎鍤庢稊锔剧潉 鐠у嫭鏋℃稉瀣祰 閸嬨儱鎮嶉弶鍌氱箶 閹躲儱鍨旈柅澶岀椽 閸╄櫣顢呴崠璇差劅 娑撴潙绨ラ崠璇差劅 閼筋垰顒� 鐎涳附濮� 娑擃厼娴楅崠璇差劅 閸楊偆鏁撻幀鏄忣啈
娣囨繂浠�: 閺備即妞� 鐠囧嫯顔� 鐟欏棛鍋� 鐢瓕鐦� 閻ゅ墽姊� 閻ュ洨濮� 閸忚崵鏁� 閻€劏宓� 閹躲倗鎮� 閹儲鏅� 閸嬨儴闊� 缂囧骸顔� 娑撱倖鈧拷 閼叉彃鍔� 閻拷 婵傦拷 閼帮拷 鐏忥拷 閸ユ稑顒� 鐠囪崵澧� 閺囨潙顦�
娑擃厼灏�: 鐢瓕鐦� 閺佹瑦娼� 閹繆鈧拷 娑擃叀宓� 閸栬崵鎮� 娑撴潙绨� 闁藉牓顎� 濮樻垶妫� 閺傚洤瀵� 閽佹ぞ缍� 妤犲本鏌� 閸ユ崘姘� 妞嬬喓鏋� 閼筋垳澧� 閼筋垯绗� 閼筋垰绔� 閺傛媽宓� 閹兼粎鍌� 閼昏鲸鏋�
当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《新英格兰医药杂志》 > 2006年第24期 > 正文
Multiple Pulmonary Bacterial Abscesses
http://www.100md.com 《新英格兰医药杂志》

     A 21-year-old woman with human immunodeficiency virus infection and a CD4 count of 400 cells per cubic millimeter who was not receiving antiretroviral therapy presented with a 1-week history of fever, chest pain, and hemoptysis. She reported having used illicit intravenous drugs in the past. Physical examination revealed a 3/6 pansystolic murmur over the cardiac apex and the left lower sternal border and coarse rhonchi in bilateral lung fields. A chest radiograph revealed bilateral multiple cavitary lesions with air–liquid levels (Panel A). Computed tomography confirmed the presence of several rounded, radiolucent lesions with air–liquid levels and well-defined margins — findings that were consistent with the presence of multiple pulmonary abscesses (Panel B). Echocardiography showed a fluttering vegetation, 0.8 by 2.2 cm, on the tricuspid valve, with moderate tricuspid regurgitation. Blood cultures yielded methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus. Septic thrombophlebitis and right-sided endocarditis are important causes of multiple pulmonary bacterial abscesses. The patient was treated with intravenous oxacillin for 6 weeks. At the 3-month follow-up visit, she was doing well, and chest radiography showed that the lung abscesses had resolved.

    Ju-Yi Chen, M.D.

    Yi-Heng Li, M.D., Ph.D.

    National Cheng Kung University Medical Center

    Tainan 70428, Taiwan


   鐎甸偊鍠曟穱濠囧棘閸モ晝褰�  闁稿繗娅曢弫鐐烘儌閻愵剙顎�  閻犲洤瀚鎴﹀礄閻樻彃缍�  闁瑰吋绮庨崒銊╁即閺夋埈妯�   闁规亽鍔岄悺銊х磼濞嗘劖绠欓柛娆欐嫹   闁告梻濮撮崣鍡涘绩閹増顥�