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Should interventions to reduce respirable pollutants be linked to tuberculosis control programmes?
http://www.100md.com 《英国医生杂志》

     1 World Bank, Washington DC, USA, 2 Department of Population and International Health, Harvard School of Public Health, 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA

    Correspondence to: M Ezzati mezzati@hsph.harvard.edu

    The potential benefits of linking tuberculosis control programmes with interventions to reduce smoking and indoor air pollution make research to improve our understanding of their relation a high priority


    The existence of a causal association alone, even if confirmed in subsequent studies, would have limited implications for public health interventions and policies. Even excluding tuberculosis, mortality and disease burden attributable to both smoking and indoor air pollution places them among leading global health concerns, persistently and increasingly affecting the poor.1 2 Therefore, establishing a causal link with tuberculosis will add little to the already strong arguments for reducing these two risk factors.

    Neither can interventions for smoking and indoor air pollution be used as key elements of tuberculosis control, because tuberculosis control cannot rely on any single risk factor whose role in disease aetiology and transmission dynamics is highly dependent on multiple other factors, with heterogeneity across populations or over time. This is in contrast to diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, for which a reduction in exposure to airborne pollutants would reduce disease in nearly all circumstances. The core of national or regional tuberculosis control programmes therefore has unequivocally been, and should remain, interventions that can reduce and eventually interrupt transmission under relatively generalisable circumstances—that is, the directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS) strategy.12 13

    The effectiveness and coverage of DOTS, however, has been constrained by obstacles such as cost, physical and human infrastructure, and compliance of users or providers, which have limited case detection and completion of treatment.3 12-14 Hence, it is widely acknowledged that achieving higher case detection rates under DOTS requires participation outside health systems,12-14 but the nature of this participation needs to be better defined in different populations. A causal relation with respirable pollutants might provide a possible mechanism for such participation. Before attempting to link the two public health interventions, however, we need a better understanding of the aetiological relation between respirable pollutants and tuberculosis.

    Implications of different possible mechanisms of association

    China had an estimated 1.4 million new cases of tuberculosis in 2000, more than any country except India.16 China made substantial progress in expanding DOTS in the 1990s in 13 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions.16 Nevertheless, case detection and completion of treatment remain important challenges in poor rural areas.17

    Nearly 80% of China's population relies on biomass (wood, crop residues, and animal dung) and coal for cooking and heating.18 China also has one of the highest levels of tobacco consumption in the world, with more than 60% of men smoking.8 The two risk factors, both increasingly concentrated in rural populations, magnify one another's effects, resulting in high levels of respiratory diseases among Chinese adults.1 2 8 The Chinese improved (high efficiency and low emissions) stove programme has primarily targeted exposure during cooking (figure).19 Home heating remains an important route of exposure, as does the absence of improved stove programmes in the poorest provinces and communities.

    Biomass burning stove in rural China


    Two important characteristics of new indoor air pollution programmes in poor communities are targeting solid fuel use and cigarettes as sources of airborne pollutants and combining clean fuels and stoves with health education among adults and children. Linking tuberculosis control to rural energy and health programmes as described above could in principle increase case detection and ultimately the coverage and community effectiveness of DOTS.

    Research needs

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