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Position of the fluorescent label is a crucial factor determining sign
http://www.100md.com 《核酸研究医学期刊》
     The authors would like to apologize for an error in the Acknowledgements of their article. The correct Acknowledgement should read as follows:

    This work was linked to the CAG supported by the Land Bremen and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and was supported by a grant of the BMBF in the BIOLOG framework to B.R-H. and T.H. (grant no. 01LC0021). We would like to thank Andrea Krause for critical reading of the manuscript and Prof. F. Widdel, MPI Bremen, for the kind permission to use the radioactivity facilities. An application for a patent on the POL effect has been filed by the University Bremen.(Lei Zhang, Thomas Hurek and Barbara Rein)