Growth and trafficking
Faulhammer et al. found that Sac1p localized to the ER during exponential growth and was retained there by a direct interaction with an integral ER membrane protein called dolichol phosphate mannose synthase, or Dpm1p. When the researchers transferred these fast growing cells to nutrient-poor media, Sac1p moved to the Golgi within minutes.
Rbiya S. Tuma
Frank Faulhammer, Gerlinde Konrad, Ben Brankatschk, Sabina Tahirovic, Andreas Kn?dler, and Peter Mayinger
J. Cell Biol. 2005 168: 185-191.(The lipid phosphatase Sac1p inhibits tra)
Rbiya S. Tuma
Frank Faulhammer, Gerlinde Konrad, Ben Brankatschk, Sabina Tahirovic, Andreas Kn?dler, and Peter Mayinger
J. Cell Biol. 2005 168: 185-191.(The lipid phosphatase Sac1p inhibits tra)