Sam68 is absolutely required for Rev function and HIV-1 production
Since the publication of our paper, it has come to our attention that a reference was omitted. In addition to citing the anti-sense studies by He and colleagues (ref. 29), we should have also referenced their work on Sam68-Rev binding, which can be found in the following citation:
Li,J., Lui,Y., Park,I.W. and He,J.J. (2002) Expression of exogenous Sam68, the 68-kilodalton SRC-associated protein in mitosis, is able to alleviate impaired Rev function in astrocytes. J. Virol., 76, 4526–4535.
In addition, there was an error in the page numbers for ref. 29. The correct pages numbers are 8374-8382. The authors apologize for the oversights.(Suhasini Modem, Kameswara R. Badri, Thom)
Li,J., Lui,Y., Park,I.W. and He,J.J. (2002) Expression of exogenous Sam68, the 68-kilodalton SRC-associated protein in mitosis, is able to alleviate impaired Rev function in astrocytes. J. Virol., 76, 4526–4535.
In addition, there was an error in the page numbers for ref. 29. The correct pages numbers are 8374-8382. The authors apologize for the oversights.(Suhasini Modem, Kameswara R. Badri, Thom)