Genomics Comes to Cell Biology
a Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Cell Biology
With the completion of the genomic sequences of S. cerevisiae, C. elegans, D. melanogaster, and shortly, H. sapiens, in a sense the frontier has been officially closed on four of the most widely used and extensively studied species on earth. It is obvious that the closing of this frontier will open many new ones, creating directions and experimental opportunities for biologists and biomedical scientists for decades to come. However, the actual nature of these directions and opportunities remains uncertain.
In the popular press, and indeed in scientific weeklies, great attention has been paid to many exciting new opportunities. Most of these, however, involve the use of high throughput sequencing, expression, or proteomic data to gain quantitative pictures of how pathways, cells, and organisms work. In the extreme, these methods will feed in to computational strategies, which in principle might allow us to deconstruct and then integrate every aspect of cellular and organismal existence without ever again having to touch a pipette or culture dish.
As one who is convinced that every hand-held gadget seen in Star Trek episodes will someday be developed in reality, I am both intrigued and excited by the prospect of being able to conduct my research from the confines of my computer screen (although I will miss my lab group immensely!). Nevertheless, it will be quite some time, if ever, that computational methods will replace "conventional" laboratory work. Despite the popular clamor over the impact of The Genome Project, the completion of various genomes per se represents a somewhat limited achievement in biological terms. The value of the genomic information derives largely from cellular and functional context. The provision of that context begins by the process of "annotation," in which the multitude of open reading frames identified in various genomic sequences are named and grouped into homology units. The annotation process is then itself supplemented by speculation as to what the existence of these predicted proteins and homology groups might mean for normal or pathological cell function.
It is understandable why there is such attention focussed on the completion of genomic sequences. However, it is not too early to begin redirecting that attention away from genomics and toward cell biology. The types of functional insights generated by the array of assays and experimental systems developed by cell biologists worldwide do not exist to annotate the genome. On the contrary, the genome exists to assist us in our efforts to understand the biology of molecules, cells, and tissues. The faster this is realized in the public debate over what to do in the rapidly approaching "post-genomic era," the more likely the general field of cell biology will be understood as holding the key for unlocking, in the near term, the promise of The Genome Project. Certainly, new techniques and strategies must be developed to allow cell biologists to better capitalize on genomic information, but they should be techniques and strategies tailored to individual cell biological problems, rather than contributions to a computational database of the future.
This special issue of The Journal of Cell Biology hopes, in part, to facilitate the coming of genomics to cell biology. This issue contains a series of 11 articles authored by many of the individuals who participated in the Celera-sponsored Drosophila genome annotation project earlier this year. Although their initial findings were published as very brief summaries last Spring in Science, The JCB offered, and most accepted, the opportunity to provide a more complete account of how the Drosophila genome has or will alter current and future concepts in cell biology. You will find an array of exciting articles on topics ranging from adhesion proteins to transcriptional regulators, from cytoskeletal motors to signaling molecules. You will also learn of the discovery of predicted pathways not previously thought to exist in Drosophila. For example, detailed homology analysis has suggested that flies express homologues of important disease-related proteins, such as dystrophin. Although dystrophin has long been know to be a protein defective in human muscular dystrophy, its precise function has remained elusive. Now that we know that dystrophin and several of its presumptive interacting proteins exist in Drosophila, one can contemplate entirely new approaches to this important problem.
Special thanks for the production of this issue must go to Karen Dell, JCB Reviews Editor, who worked together with Editorial Assistant Sati Motieram, Managing Editor Mike Rossner, and Editor Louis Reichardt. JCB board member Larry Goldstein deserves particular credit for having conceived the original idea, one which we will endeavor to repeat in the future.(Ira Mellmana)
婵犵數濮烽弫鎼佸磿閹寸姴绶ら柦妯侯棦濞差亝鍋愰悹鍥皺椤︻厼鈹戦悩缁樻锭婵炲眰鍊濋、姘舵焼瀹ュ棛鍘卞┑鐐村灥瀹曨剟寮搁妶鍡愪簻闁冲搫鍟崢鎾煛鐏炲墽鈽夐柍钘夘樀瀹曪繝鎮欏顔介獎闂備礁鎼ˇ顐﹀疾濠婂吘娑㈠礃椤旇壈鎽曞┑鐐村灦鑿ら柡瀣叄閻擃偊宕堕妸锕€鐨戦梺绋款儐閹歌崵绮嬮幒鏂哄亾閿濆簼绨介柛鏃撶畱椤啴濡堕崱妤€娼戦梺绋款儐閹瑰洭寮诲☉銏″亹鐎规洖娲㈤埀顒佸笚娣囧﹪宕f径濠傤潓闂佸疇顫夐崹鍨暦閸洖鐓橀柣鎰靛墰娴滄瑩姊虹拠鏌ヮ€楃紒鐘茬Ч瀹曟洟宕¢悙宥嗙☉閳藉濮€閻橀潧濮︽俊鐐€栫敮鎺椝囬鐐村€堕柨鏃傜摂濞堜粙鏌i幇顒佲枙闁稿孩姊归〃銉╂倷閸欏鏋犲銈冨灪濡啫鐣烽妸鈺婃晣闁绘劙娼ч幖绋库攽閻樺灚鏆╅柛瀣█楠炴捇顢旈崱妤冪瓘闂佽鍨奸悘鎰洪鍕吅闂佺粯锚閸氣偓缂佹顦靛娲箰鎼达絿鐣甸梺鐟板槻椤戝鐣烽悽绋块唶婵犮埄浜濆Λ鍐极閸屾粎椹抽悗锝庝簻婵″ジ姊绘担鍛婃喐闁稿鍋ら獮鎰板箮閽樺鎽曢梺鍝勬储閸ㄥ綊鐛姀銈嗙厸闁搞儮鏅涘瓭婵犵鈧尙鐭欓柡宀嬬秮婵偓闁宠桨鑳舵禒鈺冪磽閸屾氨孝闁挎洦浜悰顔界節閸ャ劍娅㈤梺缁樓圭亸娆撴偪閳ь剚淇婇悙顏勨偓鏍箰妤e啫纾婚柣鏂挎憸椤╃兘鏌熼幍顔碱暭闁抽攱鍨块弻娑㈡晜鐠囨彃绗岄梺鑽ゅ枑閸f潙煤椤忓嫀褔鏌涢妷顔惧帥婵炶偐鍠栧娲礃閸欏鍎撻梺鐟板暱濮橈妇鎹㈠鑸碘拻濞达絽鎳欒ぐ鎺戝珘妞ゆ帒鍊婚惌娆撴煙閻戞﹩娈曢柛濠傜仛閵囧嫰寮崹顔规寖缂佺偓鍎抽妶鎼佸蓟閿熺姴绀冮柕濞垮劗閸嬫挾绮欓幐搴㈢槑濠电姷鏁告慨顓㈠箯閸愵喖绀嬮柛顭戝亞閺夊綊鏌f惔銏╁晱闁哥姵鐗犻幃銉╂偂鎼达絾娈惧┑顔姐仜閸嬫挸鈹戦埄鍐憙妞わ附濞婇弻娑㈠箻閺夋垹浠哥紓浣虹帛缁嬫捇鍩€椤掍胶鈯曞畝锝呮健閹本绻濋崑鑺ユ閹晠宕f径瀣瀾闂備浇妗ㄧ欢锟犲闯閿濆鈧線寮撮姀鈩冩珕闂佽姤锚椤︿粙鍩€椤掍胶鈽夐柍瑙勫灴閺佸秹宕熼锛勬崟濠电姭鎷冮崨顔界彧缂備緡鍠楅悷锔炬崲濠靛鐐婇柕濞у啫绠版繝鐢靛О閸ㄧ厧鈻斿☉銏℃櫇闁靛牆顦Ч鏌ユ煛閸モ晛鏋戦柛娆忕箻閺岋綁鎮㈤悡搴濆枈濠碘槅鍨崑鎾绘⒒娴h姤銆冪紒鈧担铏圭煋闁圭虎鍠楅崑鈺傜節闂堟侗鍎忕紒鈧崘鈹夸簻妞ゆ挾鍠庨悘锝夋煙鐎电ǹ鍘存慨濠勭帛閹峰懐绮电€n亝鐣伴梻浣告憸婵敻骞戦崶褏鏆︽繝闈涳功閻も偓濠电偞鍨兼ご鎼佸疾閿濆洨纾介柛灞剧懅閸斿秴鐣濋敐鍛仴闁糕斂鍨藉顕€宕奸悢鍝勫箺闂備胶鎳撻顓㈠磿閹寸偟鐟规繛鎴欏灪閻撴洟鏌¢崒姘变虎闁哄棴缍侀弻鈥崇暆鐎n剛鐦堥悗瑙勬礃鐢帡锝炲┑瀣垫晣闁绘﹢娼ч獮鈧紓鍌氬€搁崐鐑芥倿閿曞倶鈧啴宕ㄥ銈呮喘閺屽棗顓奸崨顖氬Е婵$偑鍊栫敮鎺楀窗濮橆兗缂氶柟閭﹀枤绾惧吋銇勯弮鍥т汗缂佺姴顭烽弻銊モ攽閸繀妲愰梺杞扮閸熸潙鐣烽幒鎴僵闁告鍋為幉銏ゆ⒒娴h棄鍚瑰┑鐐╁亾缂傚倸鍊归懝楣冨煝瀹ュ鏅查柛銉㈡櫇閻撳姊洪崜鑼帥闁哥姵鎹囬崺鈧い鎺嶇缁楁帗銇勯锝囩疄妞ゃ垺锕㈤幃鈺咁敃閿濆孩缍岄梻鍌氬€风欢姘缚瑜嶇叅闁靛牆鎮垮ú顏勎╅柍杞拌兌閸旓箑顪冮妶鍡楃瑨闁稿妫濆銊╂偋閸垻顔曟繝銏f硾椤戝洤煤鐎电硶鍋撶憴鍕8闁搞劏濮ゆ穱濠囧醇閺囩偟鍊為梺闈浨归崕鐑樺閺囥垺鐓熼柣鏂挎憸閻苯顭胯椤ㄥ牓寮鍢夋棃宕崘顏嗏棨濠电姰鍨奸崺鏍礉閺嶎厼纾婚柨婵嗩槹閻撴洟鏌曟径妯虹仩妞も晩鍓欓埥澶愬箻閻熸壆姣㈢紓浣介哺鐢岣胯箛娑樜╃憸蹇涙偩婵傚憡鈷戠憸鐗堝俯濡垵鈹戦悙鈺佷壕闂備浇顕栭崰妤冨垝閹捐绠板┑鐘插暙缁剁偛顭跨捄铏圭伇婵﹦鍋撶换婵嬫偨闂堟稐绮跺銈嗘处閸樹粙骞堥妸锔哄亝闁告劑鍔嶅Σ顒勬⒑閸濆嫮鈻夐柛妯恒偢瀹曞綊宕掗悙瀵稿帾婵犵數鍋熼崑鎾斥枍閸℃稒鐓曢悗锝冨妼婵″ジ妫佹径鎰叆婵犻潧妫欓崳褰掓煛閸℃瑥鏋戝ǎ鍥э躬椤㈡稑顫濋崡鐐╁徍婵犳鍠栭敃銉ヮ渻娴犲鈧線寮撮姀鈩冩珳闂佺硶鍓濋悷锕傤敇婵犳碍鈷掑ù锝堟鐢盯鏌熺喊鍗炰簽闁瑰箍鍨归埞鎴犫偓锝庡墮缁侊箓鏌f惔顖滅У闁哥姵鐗滅划濠氭晲閸℃瑧鐦堟繝鐢靛Т閸婃悂顢旈锔界厵闁哄鍋勬慨鍌涙叏婵犲啯銇濇鐐村姈閹棃鏁愰崒娑辨綌闂傚倷绀侀幖顐︽偋濠婂牆绀堥柣鏃堫棑閺嗭箓鏌i悢绋款棎闁割偒浜弻娑㈠即閵娿儱瀛e┑鐐存綑鐎氼剟鈥旈崘顔嘉ч柛鈩冾殘閻熸劙姊虹紒妯洪嚋缂佺姵鎸搁锝夊箮缁涘鏅滈梺鍓插亞閸犳捇宕㈤柆宥嗏拺闁荤喓澧楅幆鍫㈢磼婢跺缍戦柣锝囨暬瀹曞崬鈽夊▎鎴濆笚闁荤喐绮嶇划鎾崇暦濠婂喚娼╂い鎺戭槹閸嶇敻姊洪棃娴ュ牓寮插⿰鍫濈;闁稿瞼鍋為悡銉╂煟閺傛寧鎯堢€涙繈鏌i悢鍝ユ嚂缂佺姵鎹囬悰顕€寮介鐐殿啇濡炪倖鎸鹃崑鐔哥椤栨粎纾藉ù锝嗗絻娴滅偓绻濋姀锝嗙【闁愁垱娲濋妵鎰板箳閹寸媭妲梻浣呵圭换妤呭磻閹邦兘鏋旈柕鍫濐槹閳锋垹绱撴担璐細缂佺姵鐗犻弻锝夊煛婵犲倻浠╅梺浼欑悼閸忔﹢寮幘缁樺亹闁肩⒈鍓﹀Σ浼存⒒娴h棄浜归柍宄扮墦瀹曟粌顫濇0婵囨櫓闂佺鎻梽鍕煕閹达附鍋i柛銉岛閸嬫捇鎼归銈勭按闂傚倷绀侀幉锟犲蓟閵婏富娈介柟闂寸閻撴繈鏌熼幑鎰靛殭缂佺媴缍侀弻锝夊箛椤撶喓绋囧銈呭閹告悂鍩為幋锔藉亹閻犲泧鍐х矗闂備礁鎽滈崳銉╁垂閸洜宓侀柛鈩冪☉绾惧吋鎱ㄩ敐搴″箹缂傚秴锕獮鍐煛閸涱厾顔岄梺鍦劋缁诲倹淇婇柨瀣瘈闁汇垽娼цⅴ闂佺ǹ顑嗛幑鍥蓟閻斿皝鏋旈柛顭戝枟閻忔挾绱掓ィ鍐暫缂佺姵鐗犲濠氭偄鐞涒€充壕闁汇垻娅ラ悷鐗堟瘎闂佽崵鍠愮划搴㈡櫠濡ゅ懏鍋傞柨鐔哄Т閽冪喐绻涢幋娆忕仼缂佺姵濞婇弻锟犲磼濮樿鲸鐨戦梺鍝勵儏閹冲酣鍩為幋锔藉€烽柛娆忣槸濞咃綁姊绘担绋跨盎缂佽尙鍋撶粚杈ㄧ節閸パ咁啋濡炪倖妫佹慨銈呪枍閵忋倖鈷戦悹鎭掑妼濞呮劙鏌熼崙銈嗗With the completion of the genomic sequences of S. cerevisiae, C. elegans, D. melanogaster, and shortly, H. sapiens, in a sense the frontier has been officially closed on four of the most widely used and extensively studied species on earth. It is obvious that the closing of this frontier will open many new ones, creating directions and experimental opportunities for biologists and biomedical scientists for decades to come. However, the actual nature of these directions and opportunities remains uncertain.
In the popular press, and indeed in scientific weeklies, great attention has been paid to many exciting new opportunities. Most of these, however, involve the use of high throughput sequencing, expression, or proteomic data to gain quantitative pictures of how pathways, cells, and organisms work. In the extreme, these methods will feed in to computational strategies, which in principle might allow us to deconstruct and then integrate every aspect of cellular and organismal existence without ever again having to touch a pipette or culture dish.
As one who is convinced that every hand-held gadget seen in Star Trek episodes will someday be developed in reality, I am both intrigued and excited by the prospect of being able to conduct my research from the confines of my computer screen (although I will miss my lab group immensely!). Nevertheless, it will be quite some time, if ever, that computational methods will replace "conventional" laboratory work. Despite the popular clamor over the impact of The Genome Project, the completion of various genomes per se represents a somewhat limited achievement in biological terms. The value of the genomic information derives largely from cellular and functional context. The provision of that context begins by the process of "annotation," in which the multitude of open reading frames identified in various genomic sequences are named and grouped into homology units. The annotation process is then itself supplemented by speculation as to what the existence of these predicted proteins and homology groups might mean for normal or pathological cell function.
It is understandable why there is such attention focussed on the completion of genomic sequences. However, it is not too early to begin redirecting that attention away from genomics and toward cell biology. The types of functional insights generated by the array of assays and experimental systems developed by cell biologists worldwide do not exist to annotate the genome. On the contrary, the genome exists to assist us in our efforts to understand the biology of molecules, cells, and tissues. The faster this is realized in the public debate over what to do in the rapidly approaching "post-genomic era," the more likely the general field of cell biology will be understood as holding the key for unlocking, in the near term, the promise of The Genome Project. Certainly, new techniques and strategies must be developed to allow cell biologists to better capitalize on genomic information, but they should be techniques and strategies tailored to individual cell biological problems, rather than contributions to a computational database of the future.
This special issue of The Journal of Cell Biology hopes, in part, to facilitate the coming of genomics to cell biology. This issue contains a series of 11 articles authored by many of the individuals who participated in the Celera-sponsored Drosophila genome annotation project earlier this year. Although their initial findings were published as very brief summaries last Spring in Science, The JCB offered, and most accepted, the opportunity to provide a more complete account of how the Drosophila genome has or will alter current and future concepts in cell biology. You will find an array of exciting articles on topics ranging from adhesion proteins to transcriptional regulators, from cytoskeletal motors to signaling molecules. You will also learn of the discovery of predicted pathways not previously thought to exist in Drosophila. For example, detailed homology analysis has suggested that flies express homologues of important disease-related proteins, such as dystrophin. Although dystrophin has long been know to be a protein defective in human muscular dystrophy, its precise function has remained elusive. Now that we know that dystrophin and several of its presumptive interacting proteins exist in Drosophila, one can contemplate entirely new approaches to this important problem.
Special thanks for the production of this issue must go to Karen Dell, JCB Reviews Editor, who worked together with Editorial Assistant Sati Motieram, Managing Editor Mike Rossner, and Editor Louis Reichardt. JCB board member Larry Goldstein deserves particular credit for having conceived the original idea, one which we will endeavor to repeat in the future.(Ira Mellmana)