☉ 10607801:Ag-NORs检测对口腔颌面部肿瘤的诊断价值
☉ 10607802:c-myc基因反义寡脱氧核苷酸对MEC-1细胞超微结构的影响
☉ 10607803:CT诊断腮腺副腺体多形性腺瘤1例报告
☉ 10607804:FrialitⅡ种植体即刻种植的临床应用
☉ 10607805:Le Fort Ⅱ型截骨术的直接进路
☉ 10607806:L型切口在单侧完全性唇裂中的应用36例体会
☉ 10607807:拔牙器具的常用消毒方法
☉ 10607808:拔牙术后并发症的临床分析和治疗
☉ 10607809:板蓝根治疗慢性化脓性腮腺炎的临床分析
☉ 10607810:半游离状态的耳廓组织瓣完全成活1例
☉ 10607811:碧兰麻对老年拔牙麻醉的临床效果观察
☉ 10607812:不同方法对周围性面神经损伤修复效果的比较
☉ 10607813:唇癌与癌前病变(附唇癌211例临床资料分析).
☉ 10607814:唇裂术后伤口感染的临床分析
☉ 10607815:大型颌骨囊肿术后负压引流的临床探讨
☉ 10607816:带蒂肌皮瓣修复口腔颌面部缺损58例总结
☉ 10607817:105例颧骨复合体骨折的临床治疗研究
☉ 10607818:单纯切除+放疗治疗高龄牙龄癌(附2例报道)
☉ 10607819:单纯取石术治疗阻塞性颌下腺炎的临床评价
☉ 10607820:岛状胸锁乳突肌肌皮瓣转移修复口腔颌面部缺损
☉ 10607821:多生埋伏牙位于重叠的中侧切牙根尖部1例
☉ 10607822:腭裂修复术及年龄对中耳功能的影响
☉ 10607823:腭裂修复术失败原因剖析
☉ 10607824:腭裂修复术中翼钩与腭腱膜去留问题的探讨
☉ 10607825:耳垂瘢痕疙瘩的手术治疗
☉ 10607826:反义寡脱氧核苷酸抗涎腺粘液表皮样癌细胞增殖的实验研究
☉ 10607827:放射性核素(90)Sr对体外培养成纤维细胞DNA含量的影响
☉ 10607828:改良肌纤维复位整复双侧完全性唇裂的临床体会
☉ 10607829:改良皮囊作间充物治疗颞下颌关节内强直
☉ 10607830:Cholesterol precursors and plant sterols in children with food allergy
☉ 10607831:Does milk intake in childhood protect against later osteoporosis?
☉ 10607832:Effect of dietary antioxidants on postprandial endothelial dysfunction induced by a high-fat meal in healthy subjects
☉ 10607833:Effect of food fortification on folic acid intake in the United States
☉ 10607834:Effect of low-glycemic-index dietary advice on dietary quality and food choice in children with type 1 diabetes
☉ 10607835:Effects of normal meals rich in carbohydrates or proteins on plasma tryptophan and tyrosine ratios
☉ 10607836:Effects of supplementation with fish oil–derived n-3 fatty acids and -linolenic acid on circulating plasma lipids and fatty acid profiles in women
☉ 10607837:Hepatic de novo lipogenesis in normoinsulinemic and hyperinsulinemic subjects consuming high-fat, low-carbohydrate and low-fat, high-carbohydrate isoe
☉ 10607838:Human serum 25-hydroxycholecalciferol response to extended oral dosing with cholecalciferol
☉ 10607839:Hyperhomocysteinemia and vitamin B-12 deficiency in elderly using Title IIIc nutrition services
☉ 10607840:Influence of environmental tobacco smoke on vitamin C status in children
☉ 10607841:Influence of reporting error on the relation between blood folate concentrations and reported folic acid–containing dietary supplement use among repr
☉ 10607842:Is percentage body fat differentially related to body mass index in Hispanic Americans, African Americans, and European Americans?
☉ 10607843:Isotopic tracer techniques for studying the bioavailability and bioefficacy of dietary carotenoids, particularly ß-carotene, in humans: a review
☉ 10607844:Lysine requirements of chronically undernourished adult Indian men, measured by a 24-h indicator amino acid oxidation and balance technique
☉ 10607845:Meals with similar energy densities but rich in protein, fat, carbohydrate, or alcohol have different effects on energy expenditure and substrate meta
☉ 10607846:Meta-analysis of nitrogen balance studies for estimating protein requirements in healthy adults
☉ 10607847:Milk intake during childhood and adolescence, adult bone density, and osteoporotic fractures in US women
☉ 10607848:Nonheme-iron absorption from a phytate-rich meal is increased by the addition of small amounts of pork meat
☉ 10607849:各种咬合导板在正畸正颌中的应用
☉ 10607850:功能性下唇缺损修复重建术

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